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Our flight is 8 pm. It almost quarter to 7. And 30 minutes going to the airport. I still don't want to stand up.. I should be finishing some touches with my baggage at this time.. But I still don't want to stand..

 Until Tristan came in..

" Nana.. I'm sorry for making things difficult for you. I didn't want this to happen.. God knows how bad I feel.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for being born.. For bringing you troubles, head aches and pains..."

Those times.. I don't know what to say.. The only thing I know is I'm hugging him.. Hugs are the best way to comfort others.. And I know its true.. He's comforting me unintentionally.

" Tristan.. It's not your fault.. Even if you're special I didn't have any regrets.. You're the best thing that we have.. You're better than the best.. And I'm happy for having you.. You know.. I can find another Daryl in my life.. But another Tristan?? I don't think so.."

I pinched his cheeks and kissed him..

" You should move down.. I'll just fix my things okay?"

He nodded and walked through my door..

I grabbed my luggage bags.. Opened my closet..

" Keeping emotions to yourself is always the safest approach to hide the pain and yet the fastest way to die insane."

I managed to say while putting clothes in my bags

Undies in.. T-shirt.. Dresses.. Pants.. Pajamas.. Shorts...

Hmmm.. My Closet is sooo empty..

And my bags are tooo FULL.

But then I noticed this apple green colored box.. I opened it..

And all those memories went back like a rushing river..

and the cover?

" Mrs Coreen Michelle Sy-Montejo"

Our pictures.. solo pics and when we're together.. during our first date.. My contest.. The prom.. Summer time.. Christmas time.. and birthdays.

" We really make a good couple eh?"

" I can attest to that."

when I turned around I saw....

" Daddy??... I thought you're in Cebu?"

" Well.. You're mom called.. "

" She told you everything."

" Well darling.. I'm not good at this advising and stuff so bear with me"

I just nod and grabbed the pictures taped on my mirror and placed it inside the box

" You know this pain after a break up is normal.. But you must be strong to move on.. Leaving things behind is too difficult.. But you must keep moving.. Because at the end.. There's someone better for you.. I know you can move on.. Because you're strong.. You even fought for Daryl in front of me.. Remember that there's a rainbow every after a rain.. So smile now okay?"

I just nod.. And he hugged me..

Then again he walked away..

I can't help but smile in every picture I see.. Suddenly I feel like not going to Cebu.. I feel like staying with him forever..

But I made a choice..

and I chose.... to break our hearts..

Sad but true.. I sacrificed our happiness... But I know there's something wonderful..

A DREAMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon