28th October' 12 Chapter Fourteen : Apologies are Good... :* :* :*

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Been one and half month I haven't written anything. Syllabus, exams, being alone at home was all that I had to do. Mother had gone to Kanyakumari tour with grandfather on 15th October. Before that one of our cousin came to visit me. She said let's go and meet her, I said wait for now let mother go to office. We met her at same place Mcd, Deccan. She had got her friend with her. We didn't want that cousin to know things between us, but while coming back I ask her whether I should tell her or not we both agreed and told her about us. Probably we were having break in our relation so we were focused on our studies. Only morning and night messages, and sometimes random talks that to once a week through messages. Even though mother was gone I didn't called her up every now and then cause she had her exams. She used to call everyday before going for her exams.

She had her last paper and she called up. I was furious as she had her paper and why did she called, couldn't she focus. I know I was a distraction for her and I didn't want her to get off her path of success. But I understood it's been long time so I didn't say anything to her, kinda respected her feelings. That day we talked about an hour through chat. She wanted to know how am I surviving as mother was not here, who was cooking food. I used to take a tiffin in morning from aunty who used to stay behind our building and in evening I used to cook food. She was amazed when she knew that even I could cook food, and said I want to eat non veg made by you and suddenly she said, "I love you". That very moment I called her up and said "why such thing in middle of exams and texts, even I feel it everyday but I don't want to distract you, even I love you dumboo". We agreed to celebrate her birthday before she could go home as she was going to go after her exams. She ask me whether I drink milk or not. Why milk at first place? I said I do. So she ask me to send one of my photograph, and I spoiled her surprise saying that mug will not be okay I don't drink in a mug. She was going to gift me a mug with my picture and I ruined her surprise. I should have stopped being smart in my relation. Damned myself.

After her exams she said she was going to go with her friends for a movie. I wanted to join her for the movie but she ignored and didn't even say which friends she was going. That was the very first time I got insecure as to why she was hiding things from me. I tried calling her but her cell phone was out of range. I called up Shri as his college was on the way and said to come with me to the theatre. We went to the theatre but I couldn't find her. I got much tensed as to where did she go exactly, but from inside I could feel that she was here. During the intermission we went to the wash room and I could hear girls voice outside in the passage. As we were walking I spotted her sitting quiet and head down. I was feeling ashamed for being so insecure. After the movie I called her up and apologised for me being there. She didn't knew I was there and she got angry as to why did you come in first place, the next day we were going to celebrate the birthday and she cancelled it. Somehow I managed to convince her and finally at night 11.30 she agreed to meet saying wear that white t-shirt and I ask her to wear my favourite. Well she knew what I like on her.

I had to plan a surprise for her so I already had ordered a special chocolate with a message saying "I love You" form one of my friend, a teddy and a greeting. I had to cook chicken so I had to go to the poultry shop. Till 9.00am I was ready with everything along with 3 pineapple pastries. Her call came as to indicate me that she has left from home. When I reached I was fascinated to see what she was wearing, the exact thing that I wanted. After sitting she started pinching and hitting me saying, "What was the reason to come yesterday don't you trust me a little?" I didn't doubt her but I was insecure and frightened. Frightened to lose her when she'll come to know the reality and I didn't want to lose her. Before reaching home I dropped her at corner of my home and said to come walking so that people won't identify you or tell mother that someone was there at home when she was not there. She came in as if it was her own house. kept things at proper place shoes, stole, bag as if she knew where to keep things. We thought of having lunch a little late before we would spend time watching my school pics and a video that she had got for me. At first we were watching romantic video songs and she was sitting on my chair's handle. I taunted her by saying the handle won't break you're not so healthy. She smiled and said then feed me and make me strong. She was getting closer and closer as we were watching videos. I had the windows open and children were playing outside. I said, "if you want to get more closer then go and close the windows." To which she quickly went and closed all of the them. I knew her intentions were not good. But we were not in relation why would she think of it. I ignored her signs and continued watching the videos together. After closing the windows she came and we both were sitting on a single chair. I got little nervous as to what was going to happen. At the end of the video she suddenly looked in my eyes and she tried to share a moment. I stopped her saying we are not in relation we should not do it, still she ignored and then I finally lost my control and did have a moment. She was sorry for her behaviour, she didn't said it but her eyes and her hug gave me the sign that how sorry she was what she was behaving recently. Not talking and staying away. I could only pamper her today and say it's alright things happen, everything will be fine soon.

Then we went to kitchen started preparing food as we were hungry and she was eager to eat the thing that I was going to prepare. It took me an hour to prepare after which we both were playing NFS MW. I was not a pro player but she besides me I was able to play quite well. I went out to get rotis as we both didn't know how to make them. After coming we had our lunch together feeding each other just like small kids. I guess we were behaving like some sweet couples. Well I won't boast about myself but the food was delicious. She was just sitting and seeing how I was preparing well a sweet memory to remember always. Now was the time for birthday celebration. She didn't knew what all I had planned. Well it was not a big one just a small surprise that I could give to her. I knew what all she like as surprises but I was not in a condition to give all those things to her and more over she was happy and never complained about it. We did recorded this very fine moment for lifetime. Right in middle of our moment her sister called her and ruined our mood. We got ready and dropped her back. Today we had almost lost our control, still we were able to be in our limits. We didn't want to set anything off between us.

"Dumboo I know what I did today was wrong I shouldn't have done what I had done but you started at first place and you know the hell I cannot control if you start it once." I was feeling guilty for the reason that this girl was trying to be with me whole heartedly and I could not tell her one single thing. Feeling tired today. Good Night Love you always... :* :* :*

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