24th March' 12 Chapter Four: A long call....

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It was almost 2 months I didn't had any contact with her. She had her birthday on 12th November and mom invited her to come for lunch but before coming she had to ask at home whether she can go or not. As usual I had to go to pick her up. She had a rose with her obviously it was red one but couldn't control myself from asking. One of her school friend had given her. I was jealous that time. We came at my place. Adi was waiting and he met her for the first time. Had lunch and dropped her again. Well I didn't have anything that time to give her besides my wishes. But still I managed to save some money which I had collected to take a new jacket. Well her happiness was important for me that time. It was a photo frame. Small but sweet one.

Later in Diwali vacation one of our cousins saw her flirty messages in my cell phone and told my aunty about it. My both aunties and mother warned me not to talk to her again. I agreed and didn't speak to her for two months. Even on New Year I didn't wished her after receiving her text. I did want to text my best friend but I couldn't text. Even after them having "Vastu Shanti" of their new house in city I ignored going. My prelims were going on it is my last paper the next day and she called. I thought of ignoring as usual but don't know why I received her call. She started by asking why I didn't come at her place with my mother. How could I tell her that everyone did forbid me to talk with her? But not that day. She sounded somewhat different as usual. I guess she was not well. I asked her whether she's sick or not and she was sick. We spoke for about an hour and decided to speak every day. It was the first time we ever spoke so much. I used to have my gym at evening 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm and used to wait in gym as instructor. I told her to text after my gym class. Sometimes I used to text at exact 5.45 pm or she used to do. Although we didn't had balance to call so we thought of talking to each other through texts. My senior instructor or my personal trainer used to scold me whenever I used to use cell phone during training session and used to taunt me, "bahut ho gaya girlfriend se baat karna". To which I used to answer,"Sirji girlfriend nhi hai bas friend hai". I was relieved to see that she didn't forget me or the good time I made her enjoy with me.

But was I doing the right thing? Even after everyone telling me that I should not talk with her was it right to talk? I couldn't find answer for it but all I did was I listened to my heart. Although it is said that in end your mind will always take over your heart. But I did have control on both of them. My heart and my mind though. All I did was listened to my heart till now and did the same this time also. Soon it became a regular thing for both of us. Her class used to get over around 4.00 to 5.00 and we used to start talking around 5.45 everyday. I don't think we ever missed one single day. I used to count my number of messages sent everyday and all my 100 messages were sent to her. That time we had the limit of 100 messages per day rule...

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