Chapter 8.6

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Hey minna! Still a Saber chapter.


♦    ♦    ♦    ♦     ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦     ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦     ♦    ♦    ♦     ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦    ♦   


     The guild erupted into cheers from their depression. 

     'Well that was quick. Wait, guild master?'

     "Rouge, what are you doing? I can't lead the guild." I whispered to him. Rouge only nodded and said, "Look at these people. They were depressed to find another one of our nakamas died. Now look at them. One pep talk from you and they're lively again. Only you can steer them into the right direction. Make sure the new Sabertooth isn't the same as the old one."

     "Wow, Rouge. You really can cheer people up, even though you're really depressing yourself."

     "Urusai!!" Rouge hits me again on the head.

     "Hey, no fair! That not how you treat your guild master."

     "That's it! You are dead Sting!" 

     'Oh fuck! I pushed it too far. Shit's gonna get real!'


     "Sorry Sting! You're on your own!" The entire guild yelled in unison before going back to partying.

     "Shadow Drive!" Rouge turned into shadows and I ran like hell.

     'Healp! I've got a rouge Ro - oh wow. Were those saber-cat decorations always there? Looks like they're chipping away. I'm gonna have to get that re-' Aaaaaaaaand I'm done for.

♦    ♦    ♦    ♦

     I woke up in the guild's infirmary afterwards. 'Agh, my head hurts like hell!' I thought as I sat up and rubbing my forehead.

    "Push another button, and we might have to get another master." Rouge was sitting in the chair next to me and gave one of his rare death glares.

    "A-Aye sir!" A cold chill went up my spine. (Reminds you of someone huh?) "Even though what I said before was true!" I can literally see a tick mark forming on his head.

     "You never learn do you?" Rouge jumped, wrapping his hands around my neck and shook it. 

     "Stappp!! Gomen, gomen nasai!!" I choked on the words because, you know I only have Rouge wringing my neck.

     "I thinks that's enough Rouge, also I've copied this scene in my memory." Rufus was standing at the doorway watching us. Rouge glared at me, then let me go. 

     "Thanks Rufus. I owe you one." I sat up rubbing the side of my neck. Suddenly, a loud roar disrupted the silence that hung over the room. Rouge and I covered our ears, while Rufus stared at us dumbfounded. 'It can't be, could it?' Rouge and I ran out of the infirmary and went outside the guild. We changed into our Halfling form and flew up to the top of guild large saber-tooth cat statue.  We can see the guild running out after us.

     "Rouge, that couldn't be a..." Rouge answered me with a shrug. 'That couldn't have been a dragon, could it? ' Suddenly, I saw a black orb hurling down towards Fiore. Looks like its hurling towards Magnolia, near... 


     ...Fairy Tail.


Well, that it for the Saber chapters. 

Next chapter will go back to Fairy Tail.

Byeee! ♥  ♥  ♥

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