Chapter 20

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Levy came hurling down from Diablo's hand as a flaming blue orb with a strong death aura that could be felt by everything within 3 miles. Levy fell to the ground with a huge impact, leaving a large crater in the floor and dust flew around everywhere. 

"Hey minna, remember when Levy showed you her true form?" Shadow said, still in her bowing position. Everyone struggled to say yes. "Well, she lied. That was fallen angel form, more of her mother's form. She has two sides, much like Lucy. I'll warn you now, this isn't the Levy you guys know and love."

The dust around Levy settled down and revealed a girl with dark purple hair that went down to her thighs and an armor-like dress with the mid-section revealed and skirt made of black metal blades. She had ram-like metal horns and grayish-white angel wings that were larger than her body.

"And Hell's sweetheart has arrived!!"

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Hey minna, just putting here that this chapter will be in Third position. OK, back to the story.

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"Wow. Was Uncle D that big?" Levy asked while marveling that Diablo's size. Shadow only shook her head. 

"Levy, sweetie, enough with the sarcastic humor. We're in a bit of a pinch." She jerked her head to everyone still kneeling. Levy huffed and said, "Fine." and looked up at Diablo again.

"Hey, babe? Why are you in your beast mode? Don't tell me you missed your favorite show." Diablo just ignored her, but that only made her even more mad. "BABE!! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Everyone flinched at her outburst, even Diablo, but he only grinned.

"Your acting is impeccable as ever."

"Awww, thank you, now let me kill you. Gale Dragon's Song of the Wind and Moon!!" The impact of the roar wasn't as effective as Lucy's Angel of Judgement, so it didn't put a dent in the scales.

"You have a long way to go before actually trying to defeat me, just give up and become my queen!!"

"Thanks, but no thanks, I've already got a man!! And, you just gave an idea." Levy flew over to Lucy's side and chanted a counter-spell to free Lucy. "C'mon, let's kill the bastard." Lucy nodded and joined hands with her.

 Show me Heaven, Show me Hell

 Reveal thy power that is hidden in me

Oh vengeful spirits,

I am the sole ruler of this land  

As this spell comes to end, 

Open thy malevolent gates

Fuse my soul with the guardian

May the dragons of demons and angels 

dwell in this body!!

Dragon Soul!!!

Shadow and Serenity were proudly smiling at the two before turning into black and white wisps and entering their kid's body. 

Lucy was still in her Blessed Armor, but had white, gold-specked dragon wings, a tail, horns, and scales on her arms, cheeks, and forehead. Her eyes turned from a warm, chocolate brown, to a shimmering gold. Levy's was the same with the exception the color being black and having crimson eyes.

"Secret Art: Devil's Death Parade!!"

"Secret Art: God's Angel of Wrath!!"

Both of the attacks hit Diablo in the chest and made him go back to his regular form.

"I c-can't b-believe that you g-girls had the g-guts to do t-that." He gave Lucy and Levy a smug smile. "A-At least you'll die with me."

"Like hell, I'm gonna die with you!! Remember, I'm kinda half-dead." Levy yelled at him. "Besides, Fairy Tail doesn't give up that easily. We're gonna be alright."

In everyone's mind (Oh yeah, the spell hasn't worn off yet)

'Wait what?! Dying? Lucy, Levy, you better not be dying on us again!!!'

Back to 3rd POV

"Any last words?" Levy smirked while twirling her sword. "You know, Shadow said that she would love to tear you apart limb from limb. Should I do that in her stead?" Diablo only smiled.

"Can I have a goodbye kiss from the both of you?" By this time, the spell wore off and the first person (or people) who got there first were Gajeel and Natsu. Buuuut, there was another barrier. Courtesy of Lucy. 

"Seriously, Luce? We don't need a barrier!!! And let us get a piece of that guy too!!" Natsu shouted. Gajeel agreed with the guilds backing them up.

"Sorry minna, but this would be much better if you don't." Lucy shouted back to them and turned back to Diablo with a sweet smile. "Of course you can have a kiss," Lucy and Levy took their swords and slit his throat and stabbed his chest. "A kiss from our blades, that is." Diablo took a final gasp and dropped dead.

"W-We won..." Levy said, before both girls dropped their swords and collapsed.


What does Diablo mean by Lucy and Levy dying? Don't tell me.....

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