Chapter Forty Eight

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"Wakey wakey!" I hear someone yell. I jump and push myself up to a sitting position. I see Lloyd, Tyler and Ben in the room.

Lloyd grabs Rick and Daryl and pulls them to their feet while Tyler grabs me and Michonne and Ben gets Abraham and Glenn.

They take us outside and to the gates that surround their small place. I'm the first one to be cut loose and I give everyone a look, telling them not to try anything.

Once everyone is cut loose, Lloyd points to a red car.

"Remember, Danielle. Two hours before sundown, my people are taking over. If you don't have your people out before then...they're just extra blood on my hands." Lloyd tell me. I nod my head once before getting into the drivers seat of the car. Everyone else gets in the car.

The gates open and I drive through them, heading home.


When we pull up to the gates of the community, Rosita, who is on archive duty I'm guessing, opens the gates for us. I park the car and get out before walking to Rosita.

"Gather as many people as you can up here." I order her.

"Why? What's going on?"

"We'll explain once everyone's here." Rick speaks up and walks away. Before I could do the same, Rosita stops me and she looks down at my arm.

"Are you okay? Rick said that you were taken. Who did that to your arm?"

"I'm fine. Just a few cuts and bruises, no big deal." I assure her with a smile and walk off to the house.

When I get inside, everyone stands with wide eyes. Carl runs to be and wraps his arms around me.

"You're okay." He whispers.

"Of course I am, buddy." I smile and ruffle his hair. He backs out of a hug just as Chelsea attacks me with another hug but then pulls away and looks at my arm.

"What the hell?" She asks.

"I didn't cooperate. It's nothing though." I shrug.

"Nothing? This is pretty damn deep. Come on." She sighs and pulls me along.

Chelsea drags me upstairs and into her room. She forces me to sit on the bed before she goes over and gets a first aid kit. I watch as she rummages through the box. Chelsea finally pulls out stitches, a needle, alcohol, and a bunch of bandages and clothes.

"So...What's going on? Daryl came in and told us to meet at the gates in a few minutes then left." She tells me and begins cleaning my arm.

I sigh, "Um...the people that took me. They uh...want to take this place. And they tortured and beat me when I wouldn't cooperate. They beat Daryl when I wouldn't cooperate. Tried to let walkers eat Rick, Daryl and I. That's when I gave in. I told them where this place was but said I wanted my family out first."

She stops what she's doing and stares at me in disapproval and disbelief.

"What?! You told them where we were?! So what now? We're just gonna leave?"

"Calm down, Chels. We're not leaving. We're fighting. We're going to get everyone in the community and give them weapons and we're going to fight these people. We're not giving this place up." I explain. She stares at me for a moment before nodding and continuing to clean my arm.

"I don't want to have to kill anyone else. Killing Gabriel was hard enough for me. It still is hard. I regret doing it now even though I'm beyond pissed that he was the reason you left us."

"I don't want to have to kill anyone either. But I know it's coming. We both do. We can't keep our hands clean in this world. It's impossible."

"What about Autumn and Judith? Who's going to stay with them?"

"We can keep Carol and whoever wants to hang back with her. Only one person is staying with her though."

"I will."

"Chels. We're gonna need you."

"You said whoever. I'm staying with Carol." She states firmly and continues with my arm.
Once Chelsea is done, I leave the house to go and gather people up. I knock on several doors, gathering them up and explaining to meet at the gates.

I then go to Aunt Judy and Uncle Dave's house. I knock on their door and take a step back.

Judy opens the door and slightly smiles at me. I give her a nod and awkwardly stand there.

"Come on in." She smiles.

"Um...actually. Rick has something important to tell everyone and y'all need to be there to hear it. Just be at the gates in a few minutes." I tell her. She gives me a worried look before nodding and watching me leave before shutting the door.

I know we and her can have our differences, but I really need to put them aside tonight. Because she is my Aunt and if I don't try to protect her, I could possibly loose her tonight.

I see Daryl walking down the sidewalk, so I jog up to him. He gives me a nod and a smile before we head to the gates. Once we're there, there is already a large crowd of people.

I see the teenage boy that I helped train and go to his side. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Do you remember what I taught you?" I ask him.

"Yep. And I've been practicing everyday."

"Good. It's about to come into some good use." I sigh and pat his back. He stares at me for a moment before looking over at Rick.

Everyone stares at Rick, probably wondering why they're here.

"We've come upon a threat. These people, this...this group took Danielle. Then got Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, Abraham and I. They know where this place is and they're giving us till 2 hours before dark to pack up and leave." He tells everyone.

They're several gasps heard from people in the group and small chatter starts between everyone.

"But." I speak up, making everyone stop talking and turn to me. "Everyone here now knows how to use a gun. Now I know fighting these people is a lot different from just killing a deer or a walker. But easy or not we're gonna have to fight. It's not going to be any picnic for me either, but if we stand together and fight, we can keep this place."

I look down at the boy beside me and he has a scared look in his eyes.

"We have to protect each other. We are each other's protection. And I'll do anything to protect everyone here, whether I know you or not."

I have to protect these people.

---sorry this chapter is short. But I'm sad to say that this story is coming to an end. Imma stop this one at 50 chapters. But I was wanting to know if y'all think I should make a second book. Please let me know.---

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