Chapter 5 ~ Volunteering

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So I know I skipped alot of days, but my week was really boring. Boring classes, boring teachers, and homework so boring that it makes you want to just die. Normally I would have come up with some cooler form of jumping off a cliff, getting kicked by a horse or getting stabbed by your own umbrella, but homework is so boring it doesn't deserve to watch me die an awesome death...I just die...just lay down and die.

Any way what was I talking about?...Oh right life is boring blah blah blah. So it's Saturday. Dear lord, you have no idea how much I love Saturday's. I litrally live for Saturday. Back to the point...So I'm getting ready to go to the animal shelter that Brandon volunteers at. I'm wearing this really cute sweater with little paw prints on's so cute I can't even!
Ha. Ha. No.

Just kidding. Did you really think I would, show up to an animal shelter in animal themed clothes? I may not be a fashionista, but I do have some fashion sense.

I actually don't know what to wear. I don't know, I read too much into everything. If I wear a crop top the first time we hang out, I will come across too slutty. Same goes for short shorts. T-shirt is too up tight and good-girlish. Oooohh! How about a printed v neck and blue skinny jeans?
Yip. Perfect. All ready to go now.
I will have to write later though...I don't want to write while I'm hanging out with someone...that would be rude, wouldn't it?

* * * * * *

Oh my gosh! I had so much fun! It was awesome. He made me laugh so much I thought my gut was gonna burst. And we talked about him and Mackenzie.

He said that he liked her way back when they were younger, before she turned into the complete airhead, demon spawn she is today. Back when she was actually a nice person. But then one summer something changed, something snapped inside of her and she became the lip gloss addicted freak we see now.

Brandon thinks it has something to do with the amount of money that her father gained that summer. She went from financially comfortable to that meme with the little girl in the beanbag bag cushion. She changed completely. He barely recognized her. She changed her hair so now she has that sleeping cat on her head, She started wearing tons of designer makeup, she wore so much perfume it was disgusting. She went from sandals to platform sneakers, Aeropostale to Gucci etc etc.

So basically she turned into Regina Gorge. Not to mention she was wearing so much spray tan someone could have mistaken her for Donald Trump's daughter. He broke up with her but she was incredibly stubborn and refused to believe it.

And apparently she obviously didn't see it as a "trial breakup". One time his waterbottle spilled in class and he had to go for the mop to clean it up, so when he went to the janitors closet he found Makenzie in there with this other really popular guy named Patrik...I'm not gonna go into details like he did, but let's just say they were doing things 13yr Olds shouldn't have been doing.

Anyway...that's enough gossip for now...let's talk about the puppies!!! Omg they had a new litter which they had just brought in....thier eyes hadn't even opened yet. They were so cute, I could die! We basically played with dogs and gossiped the entire time.... I cant believe how much he knows... bieng so popular he always hears the best I guess it has its perks.

Any way that's all we really did...It was super fun and can't wait to hang out with him again. Any way I have this like history project due Monday I should probaly do now.


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