Chapter 12 ~ REMAIN CALM

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Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.


Two things have gone very wrong today.

Number 1. -Brandon kissed me after I snuck him into the house.

Number 2. - My dad SAW me sneak a boy into the house.

Okay, well maybe number one isn't very bad... not gonna lie... the boy's lips taste and feel, fan-freaking-tastic! And he only kissed me for a split second...

Imagine what he could do with his tounge...

Focus, Nikki! Now is not the time!

I sit impatiently and anxiously on the sofa in our living room, swinging my legs back and forth, as I wait for my dad to get home. He is going to kill me.

Mom please get home soon and save me!

"NIKHOLE! WHERE ARE YOU?" My dad yells as the front door slams shut behind him

"Crap. Here goes nothing..." I mutter under my breath, "I'm right here dad!" I call out to him

"I think you have some explaining to do young lady." He says, now slightly calmer than before, as he grabs my upper arm and forcefully drags me to my room and sits me on the bed. He then pulls up my roller desk chair and sits directly in front of me.

"Who was that boy?"

"His name is Brandon, he goes to school with me, and we volunteer at an animal shelter together. He's a good kid dad."

"Okay so he's a good kid. That doesn't explain why he was in my house unbeknownst to me."

"Dad, we were watching a movie. We went out for frozen yogurt together, and then... something... unexpected happened, and we couldn't stay in the parlour... so we decided to continue hanging out here since it was the closest place. We watched a movie dad, it's still there on pause." I say as I gesture to the monitor, "It's even rated PG13."


"Bennet? Why are you yelling?"

MOM! Thank God! I might actually survive this.

"Nancy, it's nothing. I can handle this."

My mom scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Sure you can Ben." She looks to me

"What happend, Nik?"

"I may, or may not have snuck a boy into the house..."

"Was he cute?"
I noded


Huh, so thats where I get that from...

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited! Where is he?! Is he still here?! I want to see him!"

"Nancy! You are missing the point. Nikki broke a rule! She needs to be grounded!"

"Grounded?" Mom scoffs, "I don't remember setting that rule."

"It kinda goes unsaid Nance..."

Mom waved him if and turns back to me,

"What's his name?"



"Shaggy and brown."


"No glasses, chocolate brown."

"Muscle maybe?"

"Meh, he's pretty scrawny... but he's really strong. I've seen him in action."

She nods in approval, "Surname?"


"Hmmmm... Nikhole Josephine Roberts... that could work..."

"What about the size of his d-"

"OKAY NANCY! Let's stop there, yeah? Let's settle on a punishment."

"I'll handle this. Go play with Brianna, Ben."

"But-" mom sends a him an icy glare "Fine" and then he exits my room.

"So..." mom says excitedly as she shuts my bedroom door and sits next to me, "what did you two do while you were in here?"

"We watched a movie..."


"We had gummy bears..."


"I don't know mom! I gave him a blowjob!"

"Hmmm... did he moan your name?"


She burst out laughing

"Okay. Okay. Really though... anything exciting happen?"

"He kissed me."

"Woah! Nice! Like, a 'make out' kiss, or a 'peck' kiss?"

"Judging by the way he kisses, It probably could have become a make out session... but it was cut short by dad calling me and screaming into the phone. So it was only a peck."

"Stupid Ben... wait... it wasn't your first kiss was it? You got your first kiss from that Christian kid right? He was your boyfriend right?"


"Nikki," she stars out laughing, "I'm your mom, of course I knew."

"Does dad know?" I whisper

"No. I'm not evil Nik. Whatever happened to him? Did you break it off because we moved?"

I sigh heavily, "No... that's not why we broke up. Remember Kylie?"

"You mean the one I didn't like? Yes, I remember the Kardashian in training."

I laugh softly at that. It's true what they say, parents can pick out bad friends long before you can.

"Yeah that's the one. Well, the day I found out we were leaving, I got to school and looked for the girls and Christian. Boy did I find 'em. Well... two of them. I found Christian and Kylie, behind the bleachers... eating eachothers faces. My best friend, was swapping spit with my boyfriend behind my back."

"Oooo." My mom says as she cringed slightly

"And to top it all off, he claimed he was 'just rheresing for the play'."

"What a dick. Is this Brandon kid any thing like that?"

"No... at least I don't want to think so. I don't know him that well yet... but..."

"You're scared?"

"Yeah. What if he hurts me just like Christian did? I'm not willng to go through that pain again."

"Well, let me give you a little advice, don't let one bad relationship ruin all the ones in the future. What if this Brandon kid is the one? You'd never know if you don't give him a chance."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I am." She smirks and starts to walk out the door

"Wait! What about my 'punishment'? Dad will get mad if you don't come up with something."

"Okay, how about... I tell him in taking away your phone... but not for how long. I'll give it back in the morning yeah?"

"Okay with me." I say as I hand her my phone.

"Later Nik."

Okay. I suvived that.

Now to find a way to talk to Brandon...

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