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Ur welcome😍😍😍 ^^^

My father shook me awake and I grabbed my head. I could feel my heart beat in my temples and his voice and the sunlight coming though the window were not helping.

"Darling wake up, you have school." My fathers soft voice cooed.

"Ughhhh, daddyyyy I don't wanna gooooo." I whined. He laughed, then left without another word.

I got up and took a shower, thinking about the encounter I had with the hot but scary blonde dude.

I got dressed and as I was doing my hair in to French braids, my phone went off.

Morning sweetheart, I'll see you in a few hours. Have a good day, but don't forget who you belong to while you're at school, you'll regret it -L

I frowned at the text. I know who it's from, but how did he get my number.

I look in the mirror at the purple mark on my neck. I rub the sore spot. I put cover up on it and then go to school.

The day drags on, and I keep up my good girl act.

During lunch, I sit with my friends Niall, Ed, Rose, and Genevieve.

We talk about random crap while eating the school pizza. The pizza is the only appetizing thing they serve.

"Hey Niall, how your band coming along?" I ask curiously.

"Oh it's awesome! We writing a new song but it still needs lots of work."

"What's it about?"

"This girl I like." He answers confidently.

"Really? And who would that be? Is it Jenny marsh?" I tease. She's one of the most popular girls in school, and I know niall thinks she's hot.

He rolls his eyes. "No, but come with me and I'll tell you." He winks. I go with him and he leads me into the boys bathroom, locking the door behind us, then he pins me to the wall and begins kissing me.

We're not in a relationship, we're just friends with benefits. It's been like that since we were 15, and were seventeen now. He doesn't know about my rep outside of school, but he's the only one I'm bad for in school.

He moves his lips to my neck and I moan, but hope he doesn't wipe off the concealer.

"Mmh, Scarlett, suck me." He tries to push me to my knees. Normally I would oblige but after what that guy said...

Or else...

you'll regret it...

"Umm, not right now, actually, I'm just gonna go back to the table. Is that okay?" I hope he doesn't get mad. He usually doesn't if I say no, but I also haven't said no to him in a while.

"Pleeaaassee Scarlett." He moans as he unbuttons his jeans.

"No. I'll leave you to attend to yourself." I chuckled as I left the bathroom, hearing him groan.

Soon class starts again and I go to my fifth period.

Half way through, I'm called to the office.

"Hello, I was called?"

"Yes, you're father said he's outside, he's picking you up early. Have a good rest of your day!"

"Okay, you too ma'am." I smile sweetly and walk outside, looking for my dads car.

"Scarlett!" I hear a familiar voice yell, but it's not my dads.

I turn towards a black BMW, and see the man from the alley inside. His hands are roughly gripping the steering wheel, I think he's angry.

"I-I- what are you- how-"

"Get in the car."

"I don't think I should..." I mumble. "I'm just gonna..." I start slowly walking backwards.

Don't ever get into a car with a stranger.

It was impound into my mind long ago, as it was in nearly every child's mind.

"Get. In. The. Car." He growls. I reluctantly obey and he drives off.

Oh well. I've already broken all the rest of my fathers rules at least a million times.

"What did I tell you babygirl?" I knew exactly what he was talking about, but playing dumb is easier than confrontation.

"Have a good day?" He growls and glares at me.

I can't help but giggle a bit.

"Scarlett." He growls angrily. My giggle is cut short and I look at me hands in my lap.

"That I belong to you..." I respond, intimidated.


"Not to forget, or else I'd regret it."

"That's right. And trust me, I wasn't bluffing."

I'm starting to think I shouldn't have gotten in the car. Why can't I ever just do as daddy says?

"Who are you?" I attempt to change the subject.

"Luke Hemmings."

"You're, what, the leader of the blood dragons?" He smirks at my question.

"How'd you know?"

"Tattoo, it's different then Ashton's, and the other guy he introduced me to who was in you're gang, his name was.. Harry I think?"

"Observant. Now back to the subject, you are going to be punished."

"How'd you know what I did?"

"I'm everywhere sweetheart. I see everything." (He is Liz😂)

"So then you saw that I stopped it?"

"You're lucky you did. You'd be getting punished much worse than you already are if you hadn't."

"But I stopped it! So I shouldn't get p-punished at all!" I protest fearfully.

"I know you knew what he was gonna do, you went with him anyway. Now stop arguing, or it'll be worse." He growled as he pulled into the driveway of a big house.

He got out and so did I, but I tried to run away from him, and the house.

"Scarlett! Stop right there!" I knew I shouldn't listen to him but his voice had some spell over me.

I stopped in my tracks. I hadn't made it very far, I'd barely made it out of the drive way.

"Turn around." He ordered. I took a few small steps forward, trying to ignore his mysterious but undeniable power over me.

"Scarlett. Turn. Around. Now." I turned towards his angry face and dark blue eyes. His jaw was clenched, making him look 10 times hotter. I took a step backwards.

Why did you have to look into his eyes? Now he's in complete control of you you stupid bitch.

"Come. here." I slowly walked towards him with my head hung.

Once I was standing in front of him he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"Good girl. Now get inside." I drug my feet, walking as slow as possible to the door as he stood behind me.

I felt a HARD smack on my ass that made me yip and scurry forward to the door. He unlocked it and pushed me in.

Sweetheart (L.H.) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now