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"Hey babe?" Luke woke my up gently.

"Hmmmmmm." I grumbled, burying my face in his chest.

"Time to wake up."

"Ugh." I sighed as I got out of bed and wondered downstairs, where breakfast was all ready on the table.

"We're going over to my friend calums house for dinner tonight. I need you to behave, alright?"

"Sure I guess." I sighed.

"Promise, baby girl. If you embarrass me I'll embarrass you worse." My eyes widened.

"I promise, Luke." I mumbled.

"Good girl."


Luke led me into the house. There were way too many people here for it to be called a dinner.

Calum met us at the door.

"Hey Luke, who's this?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"This is Scarlett." He asked, looking at me with raised eyebrows, telling me to introduce myself.

"Hi." I mumbled, shaking calums extended hand.

"Calum." He mumbled, winking.

"You want a drink or anything?" He turned his attention back to Luke after an uncomfortable few seconds.

"Sure." They both walk over to the bar and I follow close behind.

After a bit I get bored and just sit down, idly listening to conversations. At some point calum leaves. After Luke talks to a few other people, he turns to me.

"I'm gonna go find someone, you stay here, okay?" I nod and smile a bit.

"Hey, sweetheart." I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I turn around.

"Ashy!" I his him and he smiles and hugs me back.

"How are you, love?"

"Bored." I roll my eyes.

"Where's Luke?"

"I don't know. He ditched me 20 minutes ago." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Hmm, he'll probably be back soon." He mumbles, looking around.

"Yeah. I guess."

After we talk for a few minutes, Ashton starts talking to someone else.

After another ten minutes, I decide to go find Luke.

I wander around the crowded house for a bit looking over heads for Luke's blond quiff.

"Hey, babe." I hear near my ear.

I turn towards the voice.

"Oh, hey calum." I mumble.

"You looking for Luke?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Why do t you come with me?"

"Ok." I mumble, assuming he'll take me to where Luke is.

He leads me into a room with very few people in it.

"You want a drink?"

"I'm good."

Suddenly his lips are connected to mine and I gasp.

His hands tightly grip my hips, keeping me pushed against him as I try to push on his chest.

Suddenly I'm ripped away and meet eyes with a furious Luke.

"Luke, it's not-"

"Shut your mouth calum." He growls a he yanks me towards the front door.

"Luke calm do-"

"Shut the fuck up little girl."

"But I didn't do-"

He smack any butt hard and I squeal.

"Luke!" I hear Ashton's voice yell.

Luke pushes me into the backseat of his car, ignoring Ashton.

"Ow! Luke please!"

"One more word and I will put you over the hood of this car and spank you with my belt." Luke growls and I shut my mouth.

Tears are already running down my face as I wonder what he's going to do to me.

He runs every red light on the way home and speeds the whole way.

When we get there he wastes no time in yanking me out of the car and dragging me into the house as I whimper.

I hear Ashton pounding on the door and yelling as Luke throws me into his bed upstairs.

He yanks my dress up over my butt and pulls down my underwear.

"Please Luke!" I beg.

"Quiet!" He growls as he yanks off his belt.

He hits me with it and I scream.

Ashton has now gotten into the house and is banging on Luke's locked bedroom door.

"Luke! It wasnt her fault!"

"Get the fuck out of my house Ashton!"

I sob as Luke growls.

"Come out here!" Ashton yells.

Luke growls as he yanks my underwear back up and pulls my dress down.

"Don't move."

He opens the door and I sit on the bed sobbing.

"Calum kissed her, Luke. She was trying to push him off."

"How the hell would you know?!"

"I saw it Luke. I was looking for her and just didn't have time to get to her before you."

He turns to me.

"What happened, Scarlett."

"I was looking for you and calum found me and said to follow him so I thought he'd take me to you but then he just kissed me and I tried to make him let me go but I wasn't strong enough! I didn't do anything!" I sob and Luke sighs. He closes his eyes and rubs them fr a scond before quickly coming over to me.

He picks me up and pulls me into his chest.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you, baby. Thank you Ashton." Ashton nods before leaving.

"I hate you." I mumble.

"I know baby girl. I'm sorry." He said into my hair as he sat on the bed with me on his lap.

"I'm going to kill Calum." He sighed as I sobbed into his chest.

Sweetheart (L.H.) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now