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"Dammit Ashton! I hired you to deal with shit like this! Don't make me get rid of you! I need my money, however you have to get it!" I awoke to Luke yelling. He was downstairs, Im assuming, but he was so loud I could hear him clearly. I immediately knew exactly who he was talking to.

"I understand that Ashton, but this is your job! Sure he's dangerous, but that's what guns are for!"

"Ashton, if have to do this, you know what it means for you, right?" As I walked down the stairs, Luke's voice dropped to a scarily calm tone. It was so much worse than the yelling, and i was glad i wasn't on the receiving end, although I felt bad for Ashton.

I figured, even if i really wanted to run away right now, with Luke this angry, and there evidently being something messy he has to deal with, I would inevitably regret it. A lot.

I sat on the stairs as she watched Luke pace around with a scowl on his undeniably handsome face.

"Ashton, if I come I'll have to bring Scarlett, and I still can't trust her not to run away. Especially if she sees me... Yknow. She definitely won't be happy. If I have to help you, and this goes wrong, your fate will be the same as Erin's." Luke warned. He hung up the phone and started to turn to face the stairs. I quietly ran back into his room, running into the attached bathroom. I ran the sink as she heard him enter the room.

"Scarlett?" Luke's called softly. I turned off the sink, waiting a second so it'd seem like i was drying my hands, then walked out of the bathroom.

Luke smiled at me and pulled my small frame into his large chest. He seemed like a completely different person than he was only a minute ago.

"We have to go somewhere today sweet heart. I have to take care of some important business. So I expect you to be on your best behavior, and if you try to pull anything, I will not hesitate to bend you over my knee in front of everyone around us. Understood?" Luke's voice was stern, but he kissed my forehead after the words left his mouth.

I reveled in the warmth and comfort Luke gave me. I knew i should despise him, i should be trying to run, trying to hurt him, not sitting here and hugging him.

"Yes sir." I mumbled sleepily. Luke smiled approvingly and pecked my lips. Shivers ran down my spine. "I um- where are we going?" 

"Can't tell you exactly, but like I said, I have to take care of some important business." I sighed.

"I heard you yelling." I desperately hoped he wouldn't get mad.

"You weren't eavesdropping, now, we're you?" Luke smirked.

"No." I lied smoothly. "You were kinda loud, yknow." Luke chuckled.

"And what exactly did you hear?" Luke kept the smirk, but there was slight concern in his eyes.

"Just something about Ashton not doing his job or something." I played dumb. I had a feeling Luke was going to be hurting someone today, and I really didn't want to have to go and just watch as he either beat the crap out of somebody, or possibly murdered them, but my bum was still sore from last night, and I didn't want to be punished.

"Yeah. Well darling, would you like me to sugar coat it or tell you exactly what's happening? You'll end up finding out what I do eventually, so if you want to know, I might as well tell you now."

"Well, so far I know you're the leader of the blood dragons gang, and from what Ashton and Harry have told me, it ain't pretty." I laughed a bit as Luke chuckled.

"Yes, well, someone didn't pay the monthly charge for the drugs we have been giving him this month, and he hasn't paid for the last few months either. He owes me nearly $5000. If he doesn't get my money to me today, he's a goner. Ashton tried to get the money last week, but Erin attacked him, and for some reason Ashton didn't have a gun in hand. Erin is dangerous, he's struggling to get out of a rival gang at the moment, and that gang doesn't know he's in association with us." I nodded.

Sweetheart (L.H.) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now