I'm Insane..... Literally

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Authors note:


Here is my brand new story! Hope u like it?!

Anyway....... I present to you..... ( Drum roll)

Knight in Shining leather


Chapter 1: I'm Insane...... Literally


Don't look. Just whatever you do Crystal.... Don't look away. Don't move. Don't even blink. If you do, you will die a seriously painful death.

Just kidding! Or am I?

No. I am joking. I mean, why would I kill myself? That's just weird. But could you imagine that? Trying to kill yourself? I bet if I asked someone that question they would just laugh and say that they would eat themselves to death with chocolate. Or you know..... Just stare at you weirdly and beat you over the top with their handbag..... Just like that Grandma I asked.

I mean, why die a boring death? Sure! Eating yourself to death by chocolate is a pretty awesome way to go. But it's just sssoooo...... UNORIGINAL!

Every time I ask someone that question, they always reply with that. I mean, seriously...... My cousins death wasn't THAT big of a deal.

Oh yea. My cousin ate herself to death with chocolate. Just thought I should mention. Anyway....... Back to the matter at hand.

I could feel a cold sweat, break across my forehead. My eyes felt dry, I sssoooo want to blink right now. But if I do..... There will be dyer........ Gulp..... Consequences.

Keeping my cool, I smirked. I will NOT give in. Just as I felt my eyes slowly sinking, the unbelievable happened.

Feeling victory race through my veins, I jumped up from my crouched position and screamed, "YES! I WON YOU LOSE! WOO! TAKE THAT YOU PIGEON!"

Startled, it flapped its wings and flew away in defeat. "Yea. That's what I thought. Beginning a death stare competition with me? That was your biggest mistake!"

Brushing off any dust from my clothes, I turned back to the coffee machine guy. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. I scrunched my eyebrows at him in confusion, asking, "Why you looking at me like that? Never seen awesomeness before?" I smirked.

He only just stood there. My face now held a blank look. "Seriously?" No reaction. "Not going to say anything?" Still no reaction. Boy! This guy holds no emotion! Hey.... I wonder what his reaction would be to being robbed?

Inwardly smiling with evil glee, I stuck my hand into my pocket and put on my best scary face and voice. "Now enough with the chit chat! Your being robbed. Give me a hot chocolate with two sugars and a caramel swirl, and nobody gets hurt."

He glanced at my supposed 'Gun' In my pocket and freaked. Quickly, he got to work with my 'Demand'. No less than one minute later, was my chocolate sitting in my hand and I was waltzing out of the coffee shop, with only so much as a, "I'll be back."

Sigh. Good old Swazchineider.

Strutting down the street, I slowly made my way to school. But it turns out, that I was going to be a whole lot later than I thought. A small 'Yelp!' Escaped my mouth as I hit the pavement.

Knight in shining leatherWhere stories live. Discover now