Is He for real?

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Chapter 1: Is He for real?


I just sat there. Not daring to move. If I do, I might die. And I really, really, REALLY, don't feel like getting decapitated today.

Maybe if this guy had caught me on a Tuesday or a Wednesday I would be more in the mood. But today?Not a chance.

I watched in awe as this guy shouted, "WOO! That's the 25618 monster I've killed this week! I'm on a roll." Smiling to his HOT self.

And yes. I freely admit that. This guy was definitely a TEN!!!

But even though I find him Hot, no one can beat me. For I am an 11,0000000000000000000000000000000 on the Hotometere.

Yep that's right. When I was born, my mum didn't just drop me, she beat me with the beauty stick. She must have hit me REAL good for me to turn out like this.

When he turned around, I couldn't help but slobber. What IS this guy? He's certainly NOT human. That's for sure. GASP! He must be a tribal alien?!

Oh no. They must be trying to take over Earth again! Haven't they learned from the last few thousand times they tried that? I mean seriously, how many times does it take the Avengers to kicked there slimy butts, for them to get it through their abnormally large brains?

Well one things for sure.

He will not take me to his leader.

I'll make sure of that.

I need to study my opponent.......

The alien has shaggy brown hair and nicely tan skin. Not like those tangerines I see walking round the school. He wore a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans, combat boots and white top. Which unfortunately covered a body that was built like a GORILLA!

And for your information...... That means extremely built.

"Holy, friggin smokes..." I mumbled. Looking into his eyes, I was lost. The aliens eyes were a deep ocean blue and were filled with swirls of green. Shaking my head roughly, I snapped out of my trance that he sssooo obviously planned and gave him a blank stare.

Running his fingers through his messily styled hair, which was obviously a wig, and gave me a smirk, "Hi."

Blank stare.

"What happened?" He gestured lazily at me, "You were all looking dreamily into my Ocean eyes and then..... Nothing."

I can't believe it. He reads minds! Stupid aliens with their HUGE brains. Keep cool Crystal...... He can most likely here what's going on up here.

Being impatient, he snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Hellloooo! I asked what happened?"

"I found the map, jumped on a pirate ship and hitched my way out," I retorted.

He blinked, not expecting my answer. I don't think this guy was used to being rejected by a beautiful girl. But then again, I'm not beautiful...... IM SEXY!

Like a pigeon.

Recovering, he smirked again and did a dramatic hair flip, "Anyway..... I'm Derrick."

I copied his dramatic hair flip, "And I don't care!" I chirped happily.

"But.... But.... I just saved your life!" He exasperated. "Don't I get a kiss?"


His eyes widened. "No! No I don't!" He held out his hands.

Knight in shining leatherWhere stories live. Discover now