Sooo Not Related

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Chapter 3: Sooo Not Related


Stupid yellow bus.

I don't know what happened. When the bus had pulled away from the curb, I went to sprint after it but my super speed powers didn't work.......

Oh, well. Must have used up all my awesomeness today.

Oh..... Wait......

I did a cartwheel.

Nope. There's plenty left.

I sighed and dusted off the dirt from my hands. Looks like I was walking home. Damn! I'm gonna miss out on my cartoon time. Yea, my parents don't really like me watching T.V. Claiming that they don't want it to give me any ideas.

Ha! Jokes on them! It already gave me ideas.

From watching one episode of Batman, I saw how much we're alike! We both like the colour black, although, he likes it a wittle too much. Just saying! Anyway, we both like bats. We both love to run around in the dark, and we both love to talk in deep voices!

Sooo....... I've come to a conclusion. Or as my parents keep insisting...... Another one of my crazy ideas.

Batman...... Must...... Be...... My........

Very gothic uncle!

It's the only explanation as to why he's just as awesome as me. He's just as awesome as me because I inherited the awesomeness genes from Him!

Because I certainly didn't get them from my parents.

Nope. Not at all.

To test this theory, I'm going to put on my black cape and jump off the top of my houses roof. If I land gracefully like he does, then obviously we are related. If not...... Well, I'll figure that out later.

I pulled my grey hoodie that I'd chucked on earlier in the day, closer. Wow! When did it get so cold out here. Trudging my way down the street, I sniffed.

What is that smell?

It's like someone's taken a bag of skittles and rubbed roses all over them.

By the way, I have an awesome sniffer. Molly, thats what I named my nose, can smell almost anything! I also named all my toes and fingers. Their so cute.

Without realising it, my feet had changed directions and followed the stench. I crossed my eyes so I was looking at my nose, I watched as it navigated closer. That's when I saw what it was coming from.

A little girl stood on the other side of the road. Except, she wasn't exactly the normal little girl you'd usually see walking the streets. Oh no, she had long white angel wings sprouting out form her back. The feathers were elegant and long, shimmering gold at the tips. When she spotted me, she raised her right arm and covered her eye with her hand.

What the fridge?

Before I could raise my finger in my own gesture, a car horn blared. The car swerved around me and almost crashed into about six other cars, "Hey! Watch it! I'm walking here!" I shouted after the car.

I shook my head. People these days. Turning around I walked back onto the pathway, "Whoa! Why would someone stack twenty cars like that?"

And why would they do it right behind me? God! Couldn't they pull a stunt like that somewhere else?!

Continuing on my pathway home, I sung a random tune to a song. Something growled, not again. That monster was HUGE last time. Plus, I don't want my mind conjuring up something that could kill me for the second time today.

Knight in shining leatherWhere stories live. Discover now