Chapter 7

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Elsa's POV

Jack was being really nice. The park was amazing on it's own, but now we are in his car going out to dinner. But something didn't seem right... Is he being too nice? Am I falling for another trick of his? I know I shouldn't be thinking these things, but I have trust issues... And it's all his fault! I shouldn't even be friends with him! I should be extremely mad at him because of what he did to Rapunzel, Eugene, and I!

I'm just overthinking, aren't I?

That happens a lot...

"What's wrong, snow?" A soft, concerned voice speaks. I guess I'm not very good at hiding my feelings.

"Nothing, just thinking..."

"It doesn't seem like nothing, you're fist is clenched up. You do that when you're mad." I look down at my fist, which makes me kind of annoyed with him. I sigh in frustration and look away from him. We arrive at the restaurant and we sit down. A waiter takes our order and we sit in silence. Jack stares at me in confusion as I ignore making eye contact with him. Our food arrives after about 20 minutes and Jack begins eating. I stare down at the fettuccine and steamed vegetables I ordered. I lost my appetite.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asks. I look up at him. His plate is empty already, and just by the look of his face you could tell he was eating spaghetti.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking..." I saw as I pick up a bite with my fork. I stare at the fork for a few seconds before slowly nibbling at it. It tasted amazing. I took another bite but stopped after noticing that Jack was staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked, slightly annoyed. He snaps out of his little world and looks down at the table in silence.

"Sorry... To make up for that, I'll take you out for ice cream after this?" He smiles.

"Jack, why are you being so nice to me?" His face falls and he looks at me confused.

"What do you mean? Friends are supposed to be nice to each other. Is everything okay?"

"Jack, one day you're punching me in the face and the next you're buying me food and ice cream. Buying me things and being super nice isn't going to make up for what you did. You can't just bribe me! You bullied us for years! I would love to forgive and forget all of this but I'm not even convinced you've changed." I yelled the last two sentences. Possibly a little too loud because everyone in the restaurant was staring at us. I looked. Around and glared at the people, making them turn back to their conversations and food. I look back at Jack and he looked slightly annoyed.

"Well what do you expect me to do? Get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness? I said sorry and I've been kind. Rapunzel told me I had a week to prove I'm a decent person, why isn't this enough to? I'm trying my hardest, yet this still isn't enough. Will I ever be enough to you? To anyone? Why are you still pushing me away?" He said the last two sentences in a sad tone, and it really got to me. He stood up and payed for our food before leading me to the car in silence. The car was quiet on the way to my house. When we got there I just stepped out without saying goodbye. I wasn't even mad at him anymore, I just felt really bad for making him feel like what he was doing wasn't enough, and that I was pushing him away.

I went inside and watched his car leave through the window. I ran upstairs to my room and pulled my phone out. It was late so I took a shower and got ready for bed. I walked out of the bathroom and found an envelope on my bed. It was from the psychiatrist I went to. Well yay here's the big reveal... Why couldn't they just tell me in person?

I read the paper from top to bottom. My eyes widened at one part.

"Diagnosis: Bipolar disorder, panic anxiety disorder"

What? Why? How? What? Does it run in the family? How did I get this? Does Rapunzel have this? Does Anna have this? Could I get worse? Could I get better?

My mind flooded with horrible thoughts and images, making me dizzy. I collapsed on my bed and took a few deep breaths before deciding to fall asleep.

Jack's POV

Enough. That's all I want to be. Yes, I have made many, many mistakes but I want to be a good person now, but how do I prove myself? I shouldn't even have to prove myself. Why do I always have to try so hard? I'm always being blames for everything. I know what I've done was very, very wrong, but I don't know... Maybe I'm just useless?


Well that's how it seems...

I went downstairs to see that my mom made breakfast. It was Sunday morning, and I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I told mom that I would eat later, so I went upstairs to my room. I plugged earbuds into my phone and blasted music. I closed to curtains and turned all the lights off to make it dark. I laid on my bed in silence, just staring up at the ceiling, listening to my music.

It took me a while to realize that most of the songs I was listening to were really depressing and sad. And it didn't really make my situation better. It was noon and I was already tired. I turned the music off and decided to take a nap.


I apologize for the terrible writing and any mistakes I made. I really love writing but I don't really know where I'm going with this. I sorta have writers block, I guess... I need a little inspiration...

I love you guys <3 and hey over 200 reads! Thank you all so much!

It's Cold (Jelsa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora