Chapter 9

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Jack's POV

I was stressed, it was Monday morning and I was forced to go to school. I couldn't even think correctly. Elsa, Eugene and Rapunzel were comforting me before classes started. I was leaned against my locker, crying.

"Everything will be alright, Jack." Elsa kept telling me as the tears streamed down my face. I wiped them alway and nodded. I grabbed my books for my first period and locked my locker. The bell rang moments later and the four of them had to leave for their first period. I swung my backpack over my shoulders and slowly walked down the hall. I caught sight of a head of fiery red hair. Merida. I tilted my head down and threw my hood over my head so she wouldn't notice me, but it didn't work. She stomped towards me with hatred in her eyes, but she stopped when she stopped. Her eyes widened and came in contact with mine.

"Jack, have you been crying?" She asked sincerely.

"What? No. Why do you even care?" I replied.

"You've been crying Jack, I want to know why."

"Why? So you can make fun of me? Laugh at me? Spread rumors about me? Not in the mood, Merida. Just leave me alone." I shoved passed her and started to walk away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to her.

"You were my friend for years Jack, I really really regret being so mean and terrible to Elsa and Rapunzel and Eugene. I don't know why I did that. I know how terrible all of that was, but I care about you, Jack. What's wrong?" I sighed.

"My mom had a heart attack yesterday, she's in the hospital and she might not make it." I started to cry again. Merida's eyes glistened with tears but she quickly blinked them away.

"I'm really sorry, Jack." She said.

"Thank you, Mer." I whimpered and the bell rang.

"Crap... We're late," She huffed, "follow me, I know a way in without getting detention." I nodded and she lead us to the window of our first period. The teacher was facing the board, writing something. Merida quickly opened the window and we crawled in. The whole class stared at us, but they all turned back and started to write in their notebooks. We sat down quickly, just before the teacher turned around.

"Oh, I forgot to take attendance." The teacher said.

"Thanks, Mer." I whispered to her and the teacher took attendance.

Elsa's POV:

The bell rang, signaling lunch. I exited my 4th period and searched for Jack. I was worried about him, I know what he's going through. It sucks to lose a parent.

I walked down the halls searching for a silvery white head of hair. I gasped when I felt strong arms wrap around me. "Jack?" I felt him nod on my shoulder and I turned around. His eyes were streaming tears and his hair was a complete mess. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry. Moments later, Anna, Rapunzel and Eugene were standing around us.

"Guys, let's go sit down somewhere, people are staring." Eugene said.

"Is it alright if Hiccup sits with is? I'm kind of his only friend." Anna asked. Everyone nodded and she pulled out her phone to text Hiccup. We walked to a table in the quad and sat down. Hiccup joined us moments later and Anna filled him in on what was happening.

"I'm here for you, Jack, alright?" Hiccup assured him and Jack only nodded. We all sat in silence for a few moments before I spoke up.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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