Chapter 4

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Elsa's POV

I was mad. Jack, Merida and Kristoff really have no idea what they are doing to my cousin. They bully her so bad, they made her want to starve herself. It's not fair. She didn't do a single thing.

It needs to end.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts, looking for a name I haven't contacted in a very long time. Jack. Once I found it, I opened it up and started typing.

Rapunzel's POV

"Hey, mom." I greeted her, throwing my bag on the couch. I yawned and sat at the table where she sat.

"Hi, sweetie." She smiled. But I noticed her eyes were full of worry.

"How was school?" She asked. I sighed. I didn't want to talk about this.

"It was great." I lied. She gave me an annoyed look. She knew the truth. Elsa told her about how I've been skipping meals. She didn't know about the bullying, though.

"Rapunzel, you've been skipping meals,
and I know it! Why are you doing that?" Her eyes rimmed with tears. I can't stand seeing my mom cry.

"I... I'm...." I attempted to speak but failed as I started to sob into my hands. Mom embraced me with a hug.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore, I promise! I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay?" She sighed and nodded.

"Rapunzel, I'm making you an appointment for the psychiatrist. You're going, okay? Dinner is in an hour, you're going to be down here eating, understood?" I nodded and ran upstairs. A psychiatrist?

Jack's POV (^_^)

I was laying on my bed, staring up at my ceiling, thinking.

I didn't want to bully Rapunzel. I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't want to leave Elsa. But Merida and Kristoff make me.

I sighed. I look like a jerk. I don't even want to go to school anymore. I don't even want to be friends with Merida and Kristoff anymore. But I don't want to be alone. I can't stand being alone.

My phone buzzed and I shot up from my bed and ran across the room to check the message.


My ex-bestfriend. The sweet, platinum blonde, blue eyed girl who I left for the 2 biggest jerks in the school. I made a huge mistake. I know she hates me.

Well, who wouldn't? Even I hate me.

I clicked open the message a read it.

"You have no idea what you're doing to Rapunzel! You have no idea what you're doing to me! And you have no idea what you're doing to Eugene! It needs to STOP!"

I sighed. I couldn't tell her the truth. And I couldn't just leave Merida and Kristoff.

I sighed. I hate this.

"Jack, dinner is ready!" My mother called from downstairs.

"Not hungry!" I shouted back and put my phone down after checking the time. 7:50.

I layed down on my bed, closing my eyes to fall asleep. And after about 2 hours of waiting, I finally fell asleep.


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" My alarm buzzed and I slammed it to turn it off. I groaned and stood up to get ready for school.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my silvery white hair. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans, a grey T-shirt and a black beanie. I threw on my black vans and grabbed my phone. I put my backpack on and ran out of the house, avoiding my parents.

I began walking to school and my phone buzzed. I opened the screen to see texts from Kristoff and Merida.

Kristoff: Wow, Rapunzel is so weird 😒 She probably passed out for attention!

Merida: Yeah, probably... We'll show her 😈 How about we find her at her locker and throw a few punches? Jack, are you in?

Kristoff: I'm totally in! Jack?

Merida: Jack?

Kristoff: Maybe he forgot his phone?

Merida: maybe...

I sighed and ignored the rest of the messages. I'm not hurting her again. I'm not hurting anyone anymore.

Five minutes later, I was at my locker. At the corner of my eye I can see Merida and Kristoff walking towards me.

"Hey, did you get our messages?" Merida asked. I shook my head.

"Well, let's go find Rapunzel. We have some punches to throw." Kristoff chuckled. I sighed.

"I'll pass..." I said quietly.

"You sure, man?" Kristoff asked. I nodded slowly and followed behind them as they ran to Rapunzel's locker.

She was alone. Elsa was probably at her locker. Rapunzel turned her head and her eyes widened. She slowly stared to back away, but Merida grabbed her.

At the corner of my eye, I see Eugene and Elsa running towards us. Merida punched Rapunzel in the gut, making her fall to the ground. I gasped. I didn't want to watch this.

I watched as Elsa tried to help Rapunzel but Merida pushed Elsa to the floor and punched her in the face. I gasped again. I felt as if my blood was boiling.

Eugene was thrown on the ground by Kristoff while receiving a few punches in the stomach. I was done. Completely done with this.

"Guys! Stop!" Elsa gave me a curious look. A look with a hint of hope.

But they continued throwing punches at the three of them.

"GUYS, STOP! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU'RE HURTING THEM? STOP BEING SO SELFISH AND LEAVE THEM ALONE! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY I'M EVEN FRIEND WITH YOU JERKS! ALL YOU DO IS HURT PEOPLE! THEY USED TO BE OUR FRIENDS! WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU?" I shouted at the top of my lungs. They all went silent and the only sound was my heavy breathing. All of their eyes were wide and full of confusion. Elsa's lips curved into a small, thankful smile. I nodded at her and she stood up. She helped Rapunzel up to her feet and Eugene followed them as they ran off.

And now I was left with two jerks. Jerks I was no longer friends with.

"Jack, leave. Get out of my face." Merida spat. But Kristoff shook his head.

"But Merida, he's right..." My eyes widened.

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUT OF MY FACE!" She screamed, pushing us away. Her eyes were full of tears. I gave them both a confused look before running off to look for the Elsa, Rapunzel and Eugene.



Heeeey sorry for the lateish update!

Sooooo wasn't that a big surprise? Did you like it? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Tell me what you think!

Anyways, love you c: it's almost 2 in the morning so see ya!

It's Cold (Jelsa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora