Chapter 2 >> Something New.

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As the few, simple words left my mouth, I felt the goosebumps form on my bare arms. I placed my hand to his, shaking it softly. He hand gently loosened, slowly slipping back to his side.

"So how was it? Meeting up with the cool kids over there?" He flashed me a warm smile.

"Oh yeah," i crossed my arms, looking back to where we came from. "It was totally energetic, thats for sure." I looked back, Jc giving me a cheesy smile. I raised my eyebrow as i glared at him. 'What?' I mouthed as Cameron looked to his phone, gripping the free hand to his back pack strap. Jc shook his head no and adjusted his beanie.

I could feel the awkward tension between us, what am I suppose to say? I cant just stand here and be an idiot.

"It's nice to see you here Cameron. It's pretty cool that you came all the way out here to meet up, uh i guess." I uncrossed my arms as I felt my palms becoming more clammy. I awkwardly rubbed them down my shirt as he replied.

"Yeah, im actually quite pleased that Jc personally invited me. I've been actually wanting to meet you for quite some time. You're pretty cool." He again, flashed a heart warming smile. His brown eyes lighting up.

"You're pretty cool yourself" my tone sounded goofy, maybe even a tad pathetic. I angled my head down to the ground after realizing that Jc had left the few yards surrounding us and i was slowly make myself look like am idiot.

"Aw thanks." Cameron laughed, almost too cutely before nudging my arm playfully. This is going better than i thought right?

"You're welcome." I felt my cheeks warm up, praying that they aren't turning as red as they usually do when i start blushing.

"Well, Sky. I believe that you are slightly exhausted. I can tell by your eyes. And i think Jc is ready to go, since he is practically examining that tree over. I should let you guys had back to the house," he added. "But first, Can i have your number, so we could uh yeah meet up again sometime? Soon maybe?" He rubbed the back of his neck. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back a grin, and nodded. He handed me his phone and i quickly typed in my number. My hands were a tad shaky as i handed the device back.

My nerves were calmed when his hand brushed over mine as he took his phone back. His hand was soft, arm. The pit of my stomach lost all sanity.

"I guess i'll see you soon ya?" He asked, dipping his head down to my level, since he was taller. I nodded and softly spoke, "soon."

He smiled and stepped closer before wrapping his arms around my mid back, pulling me into a tight hug. His arms were muscled up against my body, more than just his hands were warm. And his scent was toxic. I felt my heart rate speed up, and he probably could feel it too.

Before either of us pulled away, he whispered something into my ear. "You look beautiful today too." His breath trailed across my ear and done my neck. I was really close to making a move on him now, but then everything would end badly. I nodded, feeling my cheeks flush.

"See you later, Rebel." He winked and turned around the leave. He waved good bye to Jc, who was rushing back towards me.

"C'mon Sky, we have to get back to the house before the game." He gripped my arm and pulled me back to the car.

I swung the door open once Jc clicked the unlock button and threw my bags and penny board to the back. I sat back in my seat and basically day dreamed all the way back home.

* * *

The Ride home seemed to be alot faster then the ride to the meet up.

When Jc pulled into the drive way, it was almost five thirty. He pulled the keys out and off he bolted to the front door. Still dazed by the events that just happened, I slowly made my way up to the door and inside i went.

"SKY!" Connor popped out of no where, as i closed the door, "How was it?" he smiled, interested. I leaned my back against the door, wanting to blurt out that i met Cameron but that wouldnt be the answer he was looking for. "It was amazing, i was on the verge of tears meeting those amazing people." i smiled, as he nodded. "There is a lot more to come young grasshopper, Trust me." he smiled, pointing a finger at me before walking off to the chaos coming from the living room. Boys and their games. I quickly walked up stairs, back to the guest room i was staying in. I kicked my shoes off my feet before throwing myself onto the bed. I pulled the covers over my head and for the next hour i spent my time on Twitter. Retweeting the photos i took with the cool kids today, replying to some questions and following a bit. I smiled to myself, how did i get so lucky?

Just as i got the alert for my phone being on 10%, my mom was calling. Since i havent talked to her all day and her being in Florida, i HAD to answer. "Hey Mom." My voice sang. "Hey baby, How was it?" she asked, sounding more excited than i did. "It was amazing, i dont think i have ever been so happy for myself and for everyone that came." i talked about everything that had happened, telling her some stories i was told. "Well thats great baby girl." she said sounding tired. It was going on 10 o'clock there, "Mom, before i let you go. I have something to tell you." I spoke calmly. My mom always said that i will get a chance to met Cameron, even when i doubted it myself. "What is it Sky?"

"Mom, I met cameron today."

* * *

After a small screaming fit my mom had over the phone, it was time for her to get some rest. I put my phone on charge and decided to go get a shower. I took a pair of skinny jeans from hollister and my favorite band tee of all time, my 5 seconds of Summer shirt and skipped to the bathroom. I took a long, refreshing warm shower. I got out and dressed myself. I brushed my teeth and my make up off and brushed out my hair. I walked back to the guest room and slipped on a clean pair of socks. Just as I sat on my bed, my phone rang. It was a new number but i didnt hesitate to answer it.


"Hey Sky, come outside please." It was cameron, and what.


"Just please come outside, and be ready." he sounded eager. I heard his car running in the back ground.



a/n: HELLO! sorry I have not updated in like a month, but I am honestly surprised by the feed back. Thank you to the 3 that left comments. and I am really trying to get this story up and going. I'll try to updated every few days.

Thanks again for the reads and votes. x -

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