Chapter Four >> Reminders

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A/N: Please stick with me through out this chapter, it's going to be more informational about Sky, and a lot more detailed. Longer than the previous chapters. Thanks and Enjoy. (:


The thoughts running through my mind during the ride home was going to, without a doubt be the reason for the future headache to come. Cameron's hand grasped ahold of mine the whole way back, pure silence filled the automobile. He was often squeeze it more, telling me that this wasn't going to end awkwardly. I couldn't help but to let out a throaty sigh as we turned onto the street of the house. For all I know, Jc will be upset with me, leaving the house late at night, without his permission. Passing by the houses leading up to the one im staying at, I took small glances at Cameron. The way the street lights reflected off his eyes, his wet hair slowly drying as some water was still rolling down his forehead. I could see the sand still on his bare arms. When we rolled up to the front of the house, the lights inside were still on. I pulled my hand from Cameron's and rubbed my face. I really didn't want the night to be over with this quickly, I didn't want it to end with me getting into some trouble.

"I had fun tonight, Sky." Cameron broke the silence as I placed my hand on the door to open it. My smiled pulled through when I looked back to him. His dark eyes meeting my green ones. "I did too, thanks and all but I think im going to be in a world of shit when I walk through that door." I tilted my head towards the front door. He shrugged, "You're welcome and I think you'll be fine, just tell them what happened." he sounded sincere with he most obvious plan slipping from his mouth. I giggled quietly, before playfully pushing his arm. "Yeah okay Cameron, I was going to go with the whole I was kidnapped against my will by some aliens but I wouldn't remember that because the took away my memory." I made him laugh, which was the cutest thing I have ever heard. Through his gasps for air he spoke, "Nice one, but I think you should get in there before one of them comes out." I nodded, "Yeah , you're right I probably should. Goodnight Cameron." I opened the door, almost slipping one foot to the ground before he pulled on my arm back, closer to him. He placed a gentle kiss to my cheek, and mumbled "Goodnight." I smiled to myself as I got out and closed the door, grabbing my clothes from the back including my phone, and waved back to him as he pulled off. I rolled my body around and walked up to the front door, praying it was still unlocked. I haven't bothered to look at my phone since I left, so I was unsure if Jc bothered to text me or if he even knew I was gone. I was quite hesitant to open the door, but I did. Thanking the god above that it was still unlocked, I walked in. Closing it quietly I made my way to the stairs.

"Where have you been?" a deep, serious voice came out of Jc, and he's one of those types of people that you only see happy. I turned to him, a concerned look on his face with his warms crossed. "I went out" I said, without making straight eye contact with him. "Well obviously, where were you, who were you with sky?" he said walking closer to me. He wrapped him arms across my shoulders pulling me into his chest. "I thought something bad happened to you." he said, his voice softening back into the normal tone. I hugged him back and then pulled away, "I was with Cameron, he took me to the beach. Which explains the wet clothes." I showed him, receiving a laugh from Jc. He nodded, "You got some didn't you?" he chuckled. My jaw dropped into a shocked smile, "No!" I laughed with him before stepping up the stairs a little bit. "But in all seriousness, don't you ever sneak out again. I did scared me half to death not finding you up in the guest room, and you not answering you phone." he pointed and yawned. "Goodnight Sky." he walked off scratching his shoulder. I nodded, jogging up the stairs, and quietly walking past Kian's room with wanting to wake him. I open the door and make my way inside. Shutting the door, and locking it, I stripped of my clothes and put on my pajama shorts and a tank top. I plugged up my phone and scrolled through all the messages from Jc. Some reading 'where are you?' 'stop fucking around, where are you?' 'Sky, are you okay?' 'im going to kill you if you're still alive.' I laughed to myself, sending him 'I love you'. Im actually really lucky he wasn't quite as mad. I looked through my others messages, noticing I already had one from Cameron. 'hey, hope nobody is mad at you back at the house. If so just blame it on me for pressuring you.' it read, I rubbed my thumb over the screen before typing back a message. 'You're fine, I didn't get into any trouble. Thanks again for tonight but I going to get some sleep. Talk to you tomorrow? Goodnight.' I sent, before placing my phone of the night stand and turning out the light. My eyelids grew heavy and I didn't think I could make it to wait and see if Cameron would text back. I turned the lamp off and laid back in the bed. Snuggling up with a pillow, I drifted asleep quickly.

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