Chapter One; Carryin the Banner!

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  I Groaned quietly as I heard Kloppmans boots thunder up the steps. I buried my face into my pillow, not wanting to face the real world.

"Boots! Get up! Get up! When you get up you hafta get up! These kids, they sleep their life away! Carry The Banner! Sell the pape!" He shouted, waking the boys.

I heard him stop between Jack and I's bunks

"Cowboy? Hey? Cowboy!" He bugged "Hey, hey, hey,"

Jack Groaned and rolled over to yell at the old man.

"Hey, don't wanna, Whatsa matta wichu?" Jack slurred and flopped back into his pillow.

"Come on, hey kid,"

"Hey! Go away from me. You're mad! You're mad!" Jack complained, a smile in his voice.

Kloppmann laughed, proud he had gotten a smile from the boy.

"Good, now wake up Gunner. Sell the papers!" He shouted.

"Jack Kelly don't you dare," I grumbled into my pillow, as I heard his feet hit the floor."Come on Gunny, Her Majesty needs ta make her rounds," He laughed, lifting me into an upright position.

And as always my hair was a wild, tangled mess of flames.

"I hate you," I muttered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

He laughed and squeezed my shoulders with an arm before going to get ready with the rest of the guys.

"Hey! That's my cigar!" Racetrack snapped.

I rolled my eyes, it was too early for this.

"You'll Steal anudda," Snipeshooter snarked back.

"Hey Bummas we got work to do!" Kid Blink said, breaking the two apart.

"Boys," I called out in warning, walking over to them, I would not deal with a fight this early in the morning

"Since when did you become me mudda," Specs teased.

I cringed back from his morning breath, smiling as Crutchie shoved his way past the boys to me.

"Aw stop ya bawlin'," He said

"Hey! Who asked you?" The Specs and Blink chorus, receiving a whack upside the head from me.

"Mornin Crutch," I yawned, pulling my hair into a bun.

"Mornin' Pretty lady," He grinned, causing me to blush.

I nudged him gently, looking at the floor.

"Hey! Quit flirting wit me goil Crutchie!" Race yelled across the room.

"I aint ya goil Higgins!" I snarked back.

"Aw! Come on Gunner!" He said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the sink to wash my face.

"Hey Gunner, when I walk...Do I look like I'm faking it?" He asked Innocently.

"What! No! Who said dat!" I asked angrily.

'No one! I promise. It's just that...there's so many fake crips on the street today a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta get a new spot where they aint used to seein me," Crutchie complained.

"Hey, it'll be all good Crutchie. Jacky and I promised remember?" I said, kissing his cheek before going to finish getting ready.

"Try bottle alley or the harbor," Mush sang.

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