Chapter Two: A Day In The Life

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  "Extra Extra! Trolley Strike drags on!" David shouted

I Rolled my eyes before flashing a coy smile at a man watching the boxing watch.

"Buy onea me papes mista?" I asked pouting my lips, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Sure thing doll," He flirted, handing me a quarter

"Gee thanks sir!" I said faking excitement before walking back to Jack.

"How do you sell so many?" David asked.

"Raw talent Davey,"

"Extra Extra Ellis Island in flames!" Jack shouted above the crowd.

"Wheres that story?" David asked, confused.

A man flagged down Jack buying a paper.

"Thank you sir," Jack told the man. "Page nine," He said turning to David.

"Thousands flee in panic! Thank you ladies," Jack grinned making them giggle and erupt into whispers.

I growled softly, turning away to continue selling.

"Terrified flight from inferno!" I called piggybacking off his story, selling a few more.

"Trash fire next to immigration building terrifies seagulls,"

"We gotta sell somehow David. Headlines don't sell papes," I reiterated.

Les shoved his way towards us through the crowd. Going straight to Jack a huge grin on his small features.

"Hey kid! Ya start in the back like Ise told ya? Show me again?" Jack asked.

Les coughed and looked up at me with sad puppy eyes.

"Buy me last pape miss?" He whispered, tears brimming his eyes.

"Aw! Heartbreakin Les! Go get em!" I said ruffling his hair.

"My father taught us not to lie!" David said.

I Placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe his nerves.

"Yeah? Well my father taught me not to starve," Jack snapped.

"Looks like ya both got an education," I said bitterly.

"Sorry Gun," Jack whispered to me.

"You're both just making things up! Those headlines"

"Hey! We don't do nothin the guys write it don't do. Anyways, it's not lying it's improving the truth," Jack said shrugging.

"The guy gave me a quarter!" Les said excitedly, momentarily breaking up the argument.

"Wait, Wait. You smell like beer!" David said sniffing Les' Breath.

"Well, that's how I made the quarter. The guy bet me I wouldn't drink some," Les said innocently.

Jack laughed making me elbow him harshly.

"OW! Gunny. Alright. No, drinking on the job kid. It's bad for business. What if somebody called a cop," Jack laughed.

We sold our last few papes and sat down to enjoy the rest of the fight. I was on edge for some reason. I just couldn't shake a bad feelin.

"What's up Gunner?" Jack asked me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and sighed.

"I don't know Jack. Somethins wrong. Like someones watchin us." I said, nervously.

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