it has been so long since i updated crowned love, or anything on wattpad if i am entirely honest.
i have no excuse for this, but i do apologise. i have had so many other projects going on, including school. however, the reason crowned love lacked updates was - as i mentioned a million times - the fact that i am rewriting it. i feel as if my writing style has changed drastically since this started, and i liked the plot - as did quite a lot of others - so i decided to rewrite it with better details and a different ending to what i originally planned with this one.
i am debating when to upload this rewrite, though. i have nearly four chapters completed, and i really need something new for people who even still like this. what do you think? do you want the completed version of the rewrite up when its done (who knows when?) or upload it now and have it an ongoing thing? thank you!
-gay xo