Am I the right one

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Your Pov

"You look stunning princess," your maid said and looked at you with kind, brown eyes. "Thank you, but do I have to be so fancy? It's no big deal anyway," you said and sighed. You were wearing a pink dress with some Triforce symbols, and your crown.
"Princess Y/n. Today is the day you will choose your future husband. Of course you have to look beautiful," she said kindly to you and smiled a sweet smile.
"Okay. Thanks for helping me," you said and hugged her. "No problem princess Y/n," she said and hugged back.
When you arrived the throne room your father was sitting on his throne and you sat next to him.
"Are you excited?" He asked and smiled.
"Yes. Super excited," you said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.
"Your Highness, you won't believe how many boys it is who wants to meet your daughter," a guard said and it felt like you got a bomb in your stomach, and that was not because you were excited.
"Good. Send them in," the king said and the guard left. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked your father, but he only smiled and looked straight forward.
A boy came in and you put on a fake smile and you stood up. He had brown, short hair and ice cold blue eyes.
"Nope," was all you thought.
"Nice to meet you princess. I'm Joe!" he said and his voice was so loud that the whole town could probably hear him.
You looked at your father and shook your head as a no.
He nodded and a guard walked out with Joe.
"Is this the right thing to do? Send boys in and if I say no they let him out?" You asked your father, and he nodded.
The next one wasn't better, neither the next one.
Hours passed and you met more then fourteen boys, from Termina to Hyrule.
You even met Skull kid!
"It's only one boy left!" A guard said and you thanked Din for that, but you got shocked when you saw who it was.
"Link?" You said.
Link wanted to marry you?
"Hi Y/n," he said shyly.
"Link what are you doing here?" You asked with wide eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I want to marry you," he smiled and looked at you with his ocean blue eyes.
You couldn't believe it, but you then felt tears in your eyes.

"Link I- I can't marry you. You're my friend and I don't want you to be my husband," you said and tears fell down on your cheeks.
It was a silent moment before Link nodded and walked slowly out without a sound.
After he was gone you ran to your room and cried in your favorite pillow. Nothing was going to be the same again, you have just friend zoned your best friend who wanted to marry you.

Vaatis Pov

"NO! NO, NO, NO!!" I screamed and threw a wase at the floor. "He ruined EVERYTHING! That stupid idiot! I'm gonna KILL HIM!" I screamed and punched the wall.
"Lord Vaati. Why are you so angry?" Shadow Link said and looked at me.
"Link just asked MY princess to marry him! She was going to be MINE!" I screamed at him.
"Vaati, I think you misunderstand. Look one more time at the mirror," he said and gave me that stupid mirror.
I growled but looked in it, and to my surprise she said no!

"Haha! I knew she wouldn't marry him!" I said and smiled. "I still have a chance!" I thought and grinned.
"Shadow Link. Go and talk to her tonight and ask her if evil guys are invited too," I said and looked at him and he nodded and walked out. "Just wait princess! You're gonna be mine!" I whispered to myself.

Shadow Links Pov

I have always hated when Vaati is angry, not that it bother me of course, but because he acts like a drama queen.
Like now; he was shouting, screaming and throwing stuff around. I managed to not sigh because he would have killed me if I did.
Right now he was angry because something he misunderstood. "Vaati. Look one more time in the mirror," I said and gave it to him. He grabbed it and stopped shouting.
"Haha. I knew she wouldn't marry him!" he said and smiled. 'Yeah right,' I thought and rolled my eyes.
"Shadow Link. Go and talk to her tonight and ask her if evil guys are invited too," he said to me and I nodded and walked out.

When I couldn't see his castle anymore I screamed: "Damn it!" And kicked a small rock. Why must Vaati also love her? She couldn't marry him, that's just stupid! Suddenly I laughed, because I thought on something funny.
What if Dark Link also loved the princess?

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