Be strong

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Your Pov

"My name is Y/n. I am the princess of Hyrule before Vaati captured me. What is your name?" You said to the little bat thing. It just blinked confused and looked at you. "Oh you don't have any name? Well, can I give you one?" You asked him or her.
It blinked two times and you took that as a yes.
"I'll call you, hmm, Ruby! Because your eye is ruby red just like... Dark Links..." You said sad and a tear fell down.
Oh how you missed him. You missed him more then anything and maybe you would never see him again.
Suddenly you felt someone carefully touch your cheek. You looked up and saw that it was Ruby. It flew down on your feet again and looked very sad.
"I don't want to call you Ruby, but can I call you Blinky! Since you only can blink, uhm no offense," you said awkward but it only blinked at you.
"Okay we got you a name, now we need a sign so we can communicate. Okay, so blink one time if it's a no and twice if it's a yes. Got it?" You said and it blinked twice. "Good job!" You smiled to it and closed your eyes. 'Dark Link, where are you? I can't take this anymore,' you thought and imaged his handsome face and his white, silky hair. "I miss you," you whispered and a lonely tear fell down on the cold, hard floor.

Dark Links Pov

"Dark Link, you can go inside and grab something you think we need to the journey. Shadow, find the fastest way to Vaatis castle. I'll get Epona ready," Link said and I ran inside after his command.
"What do we need? Uhm, what would Y/n do if she are going out on a journey? I know, carrots for Epona, food for us and potions!" I said to myself as I found the different items.
"Dark we don't have all day!" Shadow said to me breathlessly. "Oh right," I said and ran outside where Link was standing ready with Epona.
"Link! Epona can't carry all three of us!" Shadow said and panicked. Links eyes widened.
"I forgot," he said and smiled shyly. I sighed and black smoke appeared behind me before I heard a horse sound. "Good boy Dark Epona," I said and grinned.
"Okay, Shadow and I are leading the way since Dark Epona would mostly kick your horse if you are going first," I said and Link nodded. "Besides, Shadow knows the way. Right?" I continued and looked at him. "Yes. I know a perfect way to his castle," he said and smiled.
Shadow jumped up at my horse and I jumped behind him. "Okay boy. Shadow Link is taking over for me for a while, but for a good reason, understand?" I said calm to Dark Epona and he nodded.
"Ready?" Link asked behind us and Shadow and I said: "Yes!" And then we galloped away. "Please let Y/n be safe!" I whispered and noticed Shadows ears twitch a little.
"It's gonna be okay Dark! Your princess is strong and she would never give up!" Shadow said to me and I knew he was right. 'She's strong, and I know she will make it,' I thought and smiled with closed eyes.

Vaatis Pov

"What the hell do you mean that she won't eat?" I screamed angry at the moblin. "She refuse to eat and drink, and she's getting weaker," he said and looked scared.
'My bride can't be a weak girl and I can't let her starve. I have to think fast, but what should I do?' I thought and sighed.
Finally I came up with a plan, and it was an amazing one too!
"Bring her too me. NOW!" I screamed to the moblin when he didn't move.
"Useless monster," I mumbled and leaned my head at my right hand.
"Let me go you stupid beast!" A girl said angry and I smirked. My beautiful princess was dragged in to the throne room but my smiled vanished quickly.
Uhm scratch beautiful, her hair was messy and dirty, her skin pale and she looked like she was something the cat would find in a storm on a cold autumn day.
"What in Dins name happened to you?" I said to her and she looked at me with tired eyes and smiled. "I have been captured Vaati," she said and laughed but not the kind and beautiful laughter. 'Oh dear Nayro. Don't say I've done her insane!' I panicked and screamed in my head.
"I heard you don't want to eat? Why?" I said awkwardly. 'What the fuck did I say? Oh please let someone slap me now' I thought and looked at Y/n.
"Vaati why did you want to see me?" She said and ignored my question.
"I have an offer to you," I said and smiled. She tilted her head and I walked to her.
"If you don't eat and continuing to be stubborn, I'll personally kill your friends faster then planned," I said and she took a step back.
She closed her eyes and sighed. "As long as the food isn't poisoned I'll eat it, if you promise to not hurt my friends at once," she said and looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"It's a deal. Now go back to your cell," I said and smiled to her.
'Don't worry Y/n. I won't break my promise,' I thought. 'At least not yet,' and I chuckled.

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