Not so alone

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Dark Links Pov

"Dark, can you go and get some wood to the fire?" Link asked me and I nodded and left.
We had been galloping for two days and we were so tired. "Wood, wood, wood. Where can I find wood?" I mumbled for myself and walked deeper in the forest.
In the end I found some dry sticks and I walked back with it.
"That's it?" Link asked and raised an eyebrow when he saw the sticks. "Could you do it better in a deep, dark forest?" I said angry and laid the sticks down. He shrugged and began to make a fire.
"Hey Shadow! I thought you said that this was the fastest way!" I said to Shadow who looked at the map. "Dark, this IS the fastest way. Vaatis castle is not so far away from here," he said and looked at me.
"How many days is it before we are there?" I sighed and looked up at the sky. "If Epona and Dark Epona are fast it will take, hmm, one and a half day. If they are slow it will take two days," he said and looked back at his map.
"There!" Link said and I saw that he was done with the fire. He sighed and smiled to me but I didn't smile back. 'I'm not gonna show kindness to my enemy,' I thought and turned away to avoid his smile.
"Well, I'm going to sleep now. Good night guys," Shadow Link said and walked over to a tree and leaned against it and he fell asleep.
I sighed and looked down. "Lost your courage?" Link asked and I looked up at him. "Hmm maybe," I mumbled and he nodded. "I understand how you feel," he said and smiled.
"Yeah right. You have the triforce of courage, you are supposed to be brave and confident. Look, I'm just saying that you don't need to worry about Y/n. You have saved Zelda so many times and-"
"And I was worried the whole time! I was worried that if I died Zelda also would also die and I was so worried that I would fail. Just because you are supposed to be a hero doesn't mean you should feel like one.
Listen Dark, you aren't a hero if you are strong or smart, but you are a hero if you believe in what you do," he said and my eyes widened. "If you believe we can rescue her, then we can do it, alright?" He said and I nodded.
"Well, I need some rest. See you tomorrow," he said and walked over to a tree.
"Link!" I suddenly said to him and he stopped. "Yes?" He said and turned to me. "Thank you for...the advice and that you joined us so we can rescue Y/n," I said shyly. "No problem," he said and continued to walk to the tree.
I sighed and closed my eyes. "We will find you my dear princess Y/n. I promise," I said and fell asleep.

Next day

"Are we close?" I asked Shadow Link and he nodded. "Actually it's right there!" He said and stopped Dark Epona. "Woah, that castle is HUGE!" I said and stared at Vaatis big, black castle. Shadow jumped off Dark Epona and looked up at the castle. "Looks like we have to go on our own now," he said and sighed.
He was right, there was no way our horses could walk up that mountain. Link jumped off his horse and I did the same, "Good boy Dark Epona, you can now return to your home," I said to him and he disappeared in black smoke. I turned back and we began to walk up the mountain. 'This is going to be hard,' I thought and looked up.

Time skip by Nayros magic power

"We made it!" I said breathless and sat down on a rock. "Still, we're aren't done with our mission yet," Link said to me and I nodded. Shadow Link hushed on us and gave a sign that we should follow him. He opened the door slowly to not make a sound and he looked around. "It's safe," he whispered and we walked inside.
When we was inside the castle Shadow walked to a gray door made of metal and looked inside but suddenly we heard a sound.
"Shit," he whispered when we saw a moblins shadow walk around the corner towards us. "Hide!" Shadow said and ran behind a table, while Link ran behind an open door. I felt my heart run a marathon, it was no hiding spots left! A grunt made me jump and I looked up and took a step back. In front of me was the moblin and it didn't look happy.
"Uhm hi," I said scared and he lifted me up and walked back to were he came from. 'Oh shit! I can't scream for help because then the moblin will think that it's more people here,' I thought and looked at Shadow and Link that looked too scared to move.
"Lord Vaati, I found this boy inside the castle," the moblin suddenly said and I snapped back to reality only to face Vaati.
"Let the princess go!" I immediately screamed to him but he only chuckled. "Tell me, is Link and Shadow with you?" He asked, "No," I said and crossed my arms. "Tch, if you want me to believe that are you stupider than a ChuChu," he said and I glared at him. "Take him to her cell," Vaati said and moblin picked me up and walked away. "I will get my revenge!" I said to him but he laughed.
I was thrown inside a dirty and cold cell and got tied ropes around my arms so I couldn't escape.
"Damn it! I will never get out of here!" I said and tried to get my hands free but it was useless. "Dark? Is that you?" A voice said and I turned around and I smiled. "Yes Y/n. It's me; Dark Link," I said and she looked at me and smiled her perfect smile.
"You look awful Y/n! What have they done to you?" I said worried to her. "You're right. I used to be beautiful," she said and I smiled worried to her. "You are always beautiful to me, my little princess," I said and smiled to her and I wished that I could hug or kiss her.
She laughed a rusty laughter and suddenly I didn't feel so captured anymore. 'It doesn't matter where I am as long she is with me,' I thought and laughed with her.
"Will someone come and rescue us?" She suddenly said and I smiled but her smiled vanished. "Oh no! Dark they can't come and save us. It's a trap!" She said and panicked.
"Hi Princess Y/n! Hi Dark! Who is ready to get rescued and get the hell out of here?" A voice said and we turned around, it was Shadow Link.
"Oh no," Y/n said and behind him came Link, but he was been lifted by a moblin. "Guys, we have a uhm problem," Link said and we all turned to him. "Well Shit..." We all said.

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