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Dark Links Pov

Y/n let out a tiny gasp and everything felt like slow motion. The sword was right through her precious body and everyones eyes widened. Vaati dragged out the sword and she fell down on the stone floor. "Y/N!" I screamed and fell down on my knees next to her.
"No! No! No! Please say this is a nightmare, please!" I begged and lifted her up and held her close to me. I heard Vaati gasp and I knew that Link had killed him when I heard a loud thud.
"Dark Link, I-" Link said and reached for me.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I said and glared at him with my red eyes that was blinking with anger, hate and sorrow. I lifted up Y/n and ran outside."Hold on Y/n! I'll find a cure! Please don't give up," I cried and summoned Dark Epona. "Dark Link! Wait!" A voice said but I had already placed Y/n on my horse and jumped on him. "HYA!" I screamed and Dark Epona galloped away.
My tears fell down when suddenly Dark Epona stopped and me and Y/n flew in the air. I gasped and grabbed her before she could hit the ground. "Dark Link! To escape is not the right thing to do. Listen, we can help her but you need to calm down, okay?" Links soft voice said behind me and somehow he had
managed to stop my horse.
My tears wouldn't stop falling and I sobbed and cried and looked at the princess. "She was m-my friend and I loved h-her and now she's dead!" I said and hid my face in my hands.
Usually I don't cry in public, hell I never cry! It was a silent moment before Link started speaking.
"Dark Link, we can help you," Link said and hugged me and without thinking I cried and hugged him. "So don't cry. It's going to be okay, maybe she's still alive," he said and hugged me closer.
Suddenly his tears fell down too on the ground. 'The Hero of Time is...crying?' I thought surprised. "We all cry Dark Link, even though we don't want to," he said and let go of the hug.
"Now, let's see at her damage. Hmm, she have..." Link said but widened his eyes. "What is it Link? Is it s-something wrong?" I asked and looked at him. "She's...d-dead..." He whispered and my jaw dropped. "No. NO!" I cried again and fell down. "D-don't you have a fairy?" I asked him but he looked at me with tears.
"G-guys I have a solution," Shadow Link said and we looked at him. I ran to him and screamed: " WHAT! Say it Shadow! What the hell is the solution?" And he took a step back. "Calm down okay?" He said and I tried to breathe normal again.
"Okay so remember what Vaati said when you and Y/n said you loved each other? He said the impossible will happen!" He said and smiled but I didn't.
"Shadow, she's dead. She can't speak," I said and looked at the ground. "Well, I have another solution but you won't like it," he said and I grabbed his shoulders. "Tell me! I'll do anything! Anything!" I screamed and he sighed. "Vaati can heal her with his powers... I think," he said and my eyes widened.
"We have to ask VAATI for help?" I screamed surprised and he nodded. "It's dangerous Dark Li-" Shadow said but I turned to Link.
"LINK! We have no time to loose!" I said and jumped on Dark Epona and I heard Link and Shadow follow me behind.

Tiny timeskip

We ran inside the castle and found Vaati still laying there were we left him. "Hey Vaati! Wake up!" I screamed to him and kicked him in his stomach, but he didn't move. "Let me try," Link said and handed me the princess he was holding.
He walked to Vaati and leaned over him. "HEY LISTEN!"
He screamed in Vaatis ear and Shadow and I burst out laughing. Link turned to us and laughed. "I think I have been hanging out with Navi too much," he said and smiled.
"W-what h-happened?" A weak voice said and we all turned to Vaati who was trying to get up but failed.
"Vaati, I hate to ask you this but can you help us?" Shadow Link said and Vaati looked at him and then at Y/n. "You- you want me to heal her with m-my p-power?" He said and smiled while blood was dripping out from his mouth.
"Yes. Please d-do," I asked and shivered just by looking at him. He looked so awful! His nose was broken, his hair and clothes looked like it had been washed in blood and his insane smile didn't help a bit.
"Well well well, look who is pleading for help," he laughed with a rusty voice.
"I'll help you on two conditions. I must have permission to enter the castle without getting killed and I want that the princess will like me and forgive me," he said and smiled. "Can't you heal her first a-and then she can promise you that," I said nervous. "No!" He said and smiled. I looked at the ground.
"Tick Tock Dark Link, my time is soon up," Vaati said and smiled weakly.
Link, Shadow and I looked at each other worried. 'What are we gonna do?' I thought desperate and looked at the princess.

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