A second chance?

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Your PoV

Dark Link, Shadow Link, Vaati, Link and you arrived Hyrule Castle when it was midnight and we had to fly up to your room through your window so the guards wouldn't notice anything. Right now Dark Link and you was sitting on your bed while he was talking about their journey to rescue you when you suddenly yawned.
"You should go and get some sleep princess Y/n," Link said and looked at you. "Yeah, don't worry we will be fine," Vaati said and walked out from the bathroom. He had washed his hair and clothes so he didn't look so bloody anymore. You yawned one more time and nodded. " It has been a long day for all of us," you said and smiled tired to them.
"Be a good girl and go to bed," Shadow Link said and smiled. You nodded and closed your eyes but opened them again. "Dark, could you play on your Ocarina," you said and he smiled and nodded. "What song should I play?" He asked. "Our favorite song," you said and he started to play the Song of Storms.

Dark Links PoV

When I was done she had fallen asleep and it began to rain and I smiled. "Her favorite song, huh?" Vaati said and looked out the window after I had nodded to him. Shadow yawned and so did everyone else. "What if we also goes and get some sleep?" I suggested and they nodded. Link dragged himself to the couch and fell asleep there, Vaati fell asleep on a chair and Shadow Link fell asleep on top of her bookshelf. I was too tired to find a spot so I fell asleep in front of Y/ns bed like a dog.

Next morning

Your Pov

You woke up when someone suddenly screamed horrifying! "PRINCESS Y/N! You're back!" Someone shouted and you blinked a few times before you realized it was your maid! 'SHIT!' You thought desperately when you saw that she was standing in your room and she let out another scream.
"What are THOSE guys doing here?" She shouted and the boys yawned before they were awake. "Princess Y/n....you haven't..." Your maid asked scared and you felt your face heat up. "W-what? No! I just, I mean, they are just," you tried to explain yourself while your maid looked worried at you. "Uhm... Miss I think you misunderstand," Link said and you heard Shadow and Vaati laugh silently in the background.
"OH DEAR NAYRO! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE, AND HE AND HE?" Your maid screamed and pointed at Vaati, Shadow Link and a sleeping Dark Link who slowly began to wake up. "Is it morning already?" Dark Link asked tired and looked up. "Shit!" He said and widened his eyes.
"Miss, let me explain!" You said and looked at her. "Okay fine, but it better be a good explanation," she said and glared at you and you began to explain the whole kidnapping thing.
When you were done you were immediately hugged. "Poor princess Y/n, done let those awful boys take you," she said and you sighed. "You misunderstand," you said to her and she looked straight at you.
"You're right! How could I forget about something so important? You are our new queen soon, and now we have to find you a king because your father is dead," she said and you looked at Link for help. "We know who the new king is, because Y/n already have a boyfriend. You see, the king is-" Link said but the maid quickly hugged him. "Congratulations Link. You are the new king," she said and Link sighed. "Dark Link is the new king miss," he said and the maid slowly turned to Dark Link who was smiling and waving to her.
"AAAAAAAAHHH!" She screamed and fainted. "Why is life so hard?" Dark Link said and sat down on your bed. "We have to do something. Anything! To make everyone accept us," Shadow Link said and sat down on the couch with Link next to him. "This is gonna be hard, three villians to get used to," Vaati said. "Hold on a minute! I have an idea but I don't know if it will work," you said and smiled. "Okay, so what if I speak to people in Hyrule and give everyone information that I'm gonna marry a "villian" then they have to deal with it, right?" You said and looked excited at them. "Good idea Y/n!" Shadow Link and Dark Link said but Vaati and Link looked at each other.
"How about Shadow Link and me?" Vaati asked and you stopped smiling. "That won't be a problem sir," said a voice that belonged to your maid who finally had woken up.
"I am sure everyone will accept them when they hear you and Link speak to them," she said and hugged you. "I understand now princess Y/n and I know you have done the right choice," she said looked at you kindly.
She walked out and talked to a guard that looked really scared when she was done, but he nodded and walked out.


"Okay boys are you ready?" You asked them who looked very nervous but they nodded. You took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out to meet everyone in Hyrule. They cheered when they saw you and after a few seconds they fell silent.
"People of Hyrule! As you might now I have been gone the last few days and that is because I was kidnapped!" You shouted so everyone could hear you and when you were done they began to mumble. "But I was saved by three brave people and even the kidnapper helped me. Without them I would be dead and I hadn't been standing here. But the people who saved me are very special," you said to them and took a deep breath.
"The three heroes are: Link, Shadow Link and Dark Link and the kidnapper who helped me are Vaati," you said and just like you imagined they started to panic. They screamed and shouted and cried.

"SILENT!" You screamed and they stopped and looked at you. "This is new to me too and I understand that you might think this is weird. I also have two more news, number one is that the king is dead," you said and everyone gasped. "But don't worry I have found a future husband that can take his place when I become the queen. Please welcome the new king of Hyrule; Dark Link!" You said and Dark Link stepped out nervous.
It was a silent moment before everyone screamed and some of them fainted. You sighed and looked at Link who was standing next to you.
"SILENT!" Link screamed and walked beside you and everyone stopped. "I know that this is bad and some of you think maybe that now Hyrule will go under. But that is not true! Yes, Dark Link have been a villian and are hated by everyone, but without him we wouldn't been standing here right now! He had been my worst enemy since we first met but now he is one of my best friend, just like Vaati and Shadow Link," he said and no one said anything.
Vaati and Shadow Link walked out and Shadow walked in the shadows to not get killed by the sun that soon was going down behind the mountains.

"You shouldn't jugde a book by it's cover, open it, read it, you might get surprised. This three guys have proven to be true heroes! I trust them with my heart and so should everyone else," Link finished and you smiled.
"So please accept them! You want a hero as a king, right? Well, Dark Link have proven to be a hero and that's why he is the new king," you said and held Dark Links hand.
Nobody said anything before someone shouted: "Long live the new king!" And everyone bowed to us. "T-they l-like me?" Dark Link stuttered surprised. You laughed happy and kissed him on his cheek. "They love you," you said and Dark Link cried. "I'm for once accepted," he whispered and laughed.
After that you said a few words about Vaatis permissions and luckily they were okay with that.

When you walked back and you had closed the doors everyone jumped up and down and laughed and cried happy. "Thank you so much Link and Y/n. This is unbelievable!" Shadow Link, Dark Link and Vaati said and hugged us. "No problem, you guys deserved it," Link said and we all smiled.
"Princess Y/n and uhm Dark Link. Tomorrow will you both get the tittle as Queen Y/n and King Dark Link," a nervous guard said and you nodded. "Thanks for the information," you said to him and he bowed and walked out. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Vaati said and Link and Shadow Link nodded.
"Well, see you tomorrow princess Y/n and Dark Link. We all need some rest, it's a big day tomorrow you know," Link said and walked out with Vaati and Shadow Link. "What about me?" Dark Link asked after them but they were gone.
"We have an extra room in the castle if you want to sleep there," you said and showed him a white door that was next to yours. "Thanks Y/n, you are the best," he said and kissed your cheek before walking inside.
You yawned and walked back to your own bed and closed your eyes.
Suddenly someone opened the door and walked to you. "Hey Y/n I can't sleep," Dark Link whispered and you smiled. You moved a little bit and you soon you could feel his warmth from him. "Goodnight Y/n," he whispered. "Goodnight Dark Link," you whispered back and soon fell asleep next to your hero.

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