Chapter 5

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"Yeah, it was the usual," she replied.
"What do you mean by that?" One of the boys asked.
"Well, my 'mum' was in tears and my 'dad' just said 'your adopted. Your mother always loved you. I didn't. Your a freak like all the rest of them. A selfish freak!' you know, the usual."
"What!? Blaise, Alex is this true?" asked the other boy.
Blaise and Alex nodded.
"I'll kill him!" the boy said. Blaise smirked and looked at Hermione.
"What?" everyone said.
"Well, Hermione didn't kill them, but she's taken care if that!" Blaise said and everyone looked at Hermione, "go on, tell then! It did look very expansive!"
"I, uh, smashed my television," Hermione said smiling sheepishly, "it was very expensive. It was a 3D flat screen with built in sky. "
Everyone looked very confused but her dad said, "ah, yes. Very expensive. How bad did you smash it?"
"Uh, badly?" Hermione replied.
"What do you mean 'badly?'? YOU COULD SEE STRAIGHT THROUGH IT!" Blaise almost yelled and everyone laughed.
"Well Hermione, we should introduce ourselves. I'm John and this is Amanda, your mother. Then your brothers Cameron, Blaise, Josh and Alex. And finally, your sister Phoebe. Phoebe and Alex are twins." her dad explained. At the word 'twins' phoebe and Alex started prancing around the room chanting 'twins, twins, twins' over and over again.
"Let's get you cleaned up then." John said. He pointed his wand at Hermione and muttered something under his breath. Nothing. He tried again. Still nothing. Amanda tried. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.
"Well," Amanda said," let's tell you the basics. Your Blaise's twin and we had to get you adopted because of Voldemort. Your real name is Isabel Rose Zabini. We had to change your appearance. If you like we can change it back."
"Oh, yes please!" Hermione said.
Amanda nodded to Cameron who walked out of the room. She then turned to Hermione. She muttered something under her breath and Hermione felt a weird sensation in her spine and in the blink of an eye it was all over. Phoebe held up a mirror and Hermione gasped. She. Was. Beautiful. Her bushy, mousy brown hair was now sleek, strait waist-length and it was such a dark shade of black, in the right light it looked blue! Her big, soft chocolate brown eyes were now a piercing purple. She had shrunk about and inch ('well, it gives me a reason to wear heels now!' Hermione thought.) and her top was quite tight around the boob area but baggy everywhere else. Her bra was too tight and her jeans were slipping down!
"Welcome home Isabel!" her mum said.


What do y'all think!?!?👍👎
I tried to make it a bit longer!!
Anyway Hermione will know be known as Isabel.
See ya Swagga Cupcakes!
Love, the beautiful, the sexy, the one, the only,

Swagga Muffin!

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