Chapter 15

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"What about when you went out with Ron?" George sniffed.

"Well, I never liked him that way. I always knew he was a total prat." Isabel laughed.

"I'm Sorry..." George muttered.

"What for?"

"That's the thing. I don't know. I just feel like I need to apologise for some reason."

"Oh, ok."

"Life just doesn't feel right without him..." George whined.

"I know George. I miss him everyday. I even tried writing a song, but I couldn't find the right words."



"I mean, I'm his twin brother, of course I'm gonna miss him! I just didn't think I would miss him this much! I love him in a brotherly way!"

"So do I George. I love him too. In a brotherly way and I just love him. He was the best person in the world! Like you, your my brother! Maybe not by blood, but your still my big brother who I can go to with anything," Isabel burst into tears and it was her turn to cry into George's shoulder. As he rubbed her bak he noticed the boys in the door way (A/N: Did you think I forgot they were there? Did you forget that they was there?).

"Just out of interest, who knows about you and Fred?" George asked.

"Just you and Ginny at the time. Now Blaise and Malfoy." Isabel replied, pulling away from the hug.

Blaise walked over and said,"You ok, Isabel?" And when she midden he said, "I'm sorry about your brother, George."

George thanked him.

"So anything I can get you?" He asked.

"The usual please George." Isabel replied.

He went into the store cupboard and came out with a bag. Isabel paid and her and Blaise walked out of the shop, after waving goodbye to George. Draco had disappeared. God knows where he was.

"I need to talk to you later, Isabel." Blaise said.

"Ok. I need to go to the Flourish&Blotts. I'll see you at The Three Broomsticks in half an hour?" She replied.

"Whatever." Blaise replied.

"I'll take that as a yes then. See ya!" She yelled over her shoulder as she walked off.

Blaise shook his head and walked off in the opposite direction.

Isabel entered the shop and scanned the shelves for one she hadn't read yet. She found one and went to the counter to pay.

"Good choice," the guy behind the counter said.

"Have you read it?" Isabel asked.

"Yeah, just finished it. Have you read any of Bonnie Coleens other books?" He asked. (A/N: Totally made up books and author....I think.)

"All of them! This is the only one I haven't read. I love Bonnie's books!"

"Me too! Which ones your favourite?"

"It has to be The Silent Child!"

"Mine too!"

"Oh, cool. Anyway, I should be going."

"Ok. I'm Mark by the way."

"I'm Isabel. But I really have to go. See you later."


And Isabel walked out of the shop and to The Three Broomsticks.

Sorry it's short!!! IsabelWhere stories live. Discover now