World Of Imagination

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Four years have passed since the outlaw of colour or art. Four years since the King Porthos passed away and left the Kingdom to his son, King Aramis. After the King's passing, everything changed. The world was no longer a symbol of peace and hope. It was full of misery and hatred and bandits had become more known to the townsfolk. Thieving and robbing their way into houses.  

In a small refugee camp, formed for those who lost their homes, lived a young girl of eighteen. She was known as a misfit, for the only reason that she would disappear for days on end and cause trouble everywhere she went.

At this moment, Seraphina or Sera as she is more commonly known, stood before an archway. The stone archway was carved from sacred stone and detailed with delicate vine-like patterns wrapping their way up and around the pillars. Though they had somewhat deteriorated over the years since they were erected, they still stood as firm and beautiful. They were a complete contrast to the world around her, which was dying with barely any colour. But Sera never let that dampen her mood, for she knew that through this arch was another world. So without a second thought, she step forward through the stone archway.

For a moment everything was white, before it cleared away to a extraordinary sight. The green grass grew wildly everywhere, with small multi-coloured flowers. Butterflies fluttered around them, along with their fellow bees. The sight before her eyes was magnificent, a large tree stood tall and proud at the center of a valley. Luscious green forest stood protecting the tree, the visible roots stemmed deeply down into the abyss surrounding the tree. Water fell from the leaves in thick rivers, some would say waterfalls. A large moss covered, cracked stone staircase ascended from where Sera stood with elegant arches. Little lanterns hung from the arches; lighting up the stairs in a soft golden glow in the fading daylight. They lead up to a building within the roots of the Proud Tree that stood before her. 

Sera's gaze was pulled away from the world before her, when her leather bag attached to her hip moved about

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Sera's gaze was pulled away from the world before her, when her leather bag attached to her hip moved about. She giggled and reach over to open up the flap. 

" I'm sorry, Orson. I forgot you were there." She spoke to the small dark blue scaled dragon that flew out from her bag. His large yellow cat like eyes glared at her accusingly as he let out a small high pitched growl, his two whiskers that fell from his nose pointed out in anger.

"Oh, come on. I would have remember sooner or later." She chuckled and walked forward towards the staircase. Her thick grey poncho sat over her shoulder with thick grey tassel along the edges. Underneath was her black leather waistcoat with a white short sleeved shirt. The poncho covered most of her torso and neck. Her hand where covered with black leather finger-less gloves that stopped in the middle of her bare forearm. Thick black leather trousers coated her legs before black boots that held onto her feet with black laces.

" Could they have made anymore more stairs than this?" She complained as she continued to walk up the never-ending staircase. Her soft brown eyes closed as her hands reached up to the back of her head to act as a pillow. She sighed heavily, showing she was not happy having to climb the stairs. Her soft tanned skin felt the warm but chilly air bush against her. Her brown hair, which was tied up in a loose bun, which sat on the top of her head; had loose strands that danced around. Old, black, worn out goggles sat on her forehead, holding back her hair from falling in her face.

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