Chapter 17 "Omega"

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I heard low whispers and murmurs from all around me, but I sort of expected it. From the fight Natsume and I had yesterday to the interview showed last night on TV, who wouldn't choose me as the headline for gossips this morning?

For a change, though, I wasn't here because I was going to work. I was asked to go here because I was asked to take away my things away from his office since it wasn't long now before he sends me away to Sapporo, Okinawa for my promotion. And, of course, because I wanted to talk to him about Takato.

I know. You probably think that I've totally lost my mind because I keep on wanting to 'talk things out' with him even though it's obvious that he doesn't want to. But the thing is, this time, this isn't about us. I wasn't really sure what Takato wanted, but it wasn't me. He wanted Natsume within his grasp again, that's why he went through me.

I glided my way through the crowd of people in the lobby and made my way to Natsume's office, avoiding anyone I knew. I didn't really want to hear things like "Are you okay?" or "I'm so sorry for you" or "I'll work out" from random people because one, I wasn't okay; two, I didn't want to admit, but I was sorry for myself, too; and three, no, it won't work out. It simply wont.

With three soft knocks on Natsume's door, I entered, finding him seated on his desk with a dart in his hands.

This was highly unexpected.

"I … uh," I started awkwardly the moment his eyes landed on me. "I came to get my things."

Natsume looked away, saying nothing. I took it as a grant for my statement.

I walked towards my table with a big brown box in my hands, eying Natsume subtly.

He was holding a dart in his hands, like how he held it the first time I saw him again after that plane incident. I remember thinking that he was aiming at me when he was really aiming for the circular dart board behind the door.

Inwardly, I smiled. I know it's kind of stupid for me to react like this when I've sworn to not give a damn about him anymore, but I couldn't help it.

Natsume seemed to notice my glances so he threw the dart into the board and sat behind his desk.

"I assume that you've finally agreed to your transfer," he said. And from the way he said it, I knew he wasn't asking.

"Yes," I said quietly, starting to put my things one by one inside the box prepared for me this morning starting with the paper weight Natsume was playing with the last moment we were, well, 'okay', I guess. "But I have something else to talk to you about," I added.

Natsume's expression turned from barely readable to totally unreadable as I said that. I didn't know why, but Natsume was obviously shutting me off. Somehow, I felt heavy. During the past months I was actually thinking that we were at least friends but, obviously enough, I stood corrected.

"Something about the job, I suppose," he asked, his stance slightly stiffening.

I shook my head hesitantly, afraid that if I said no, he would shut me off again and send me away. "Actually, it's about -"

"I don't need meddle with anything about your personal business," he suddenly cut off before I could finish.

A nerve twitched inside of me. "Hey, look, this is about you, too, so you better listen up here!" I almost yelled in annoyance. Seriously. He was being more and more stubborn by the moment.

"I don't want to hear it," he answered casually, as if nothing was wrong.

I slowly rubbed my temples, trying (seriously trying) to be reasonable with him. Of course. Inevitably, after my outrage the day before and my confession the day before the day before, he'd refuse to talk to me. I totally get that.

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