2 | regrets

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(Anything in italics is a flashback)

"Harry, come on. I'm tired of standing!" Louis laughed as he stood in front of Harry's front door, twisting the door handle even though he knew it was locked and that this was going to help nothing.

Niall's mum had just dropped Louis and Harry off at Harry's place. Niall, Liam, Harry, and Louis went to go see a movie a the theatre together.

Harry stepped out of the car and closed the door behind him, walking towards the front door. "Louis, I was discussing the movie with Niall's mum... Impatient." The fourteen year old said and shook his head.

Harry unlocked the front door for them and walked inside with Louis.

Harry really needed to talk to Louis. Lately, the two had been getting closer than most friends are.

They cuddled at sleepovers, they kissed each other's cheek, and more recently they began kissing and holding hands. They usually only did these things in private but tonight had been different.

During the movie, Louis had ended up holding Harry's hand. And when it was really dark, Louis would sneak kisses and neither Liam, nor Niall had noticed. If they did, they didn't say anything about it.

This was the first time they'd done something like that in public, not that Harry really minded that. Everyone knew they were gay so it wasn't really a problem.

Well, it was kind of. But only because Harry had started to love Louis as more than a friend. Sometimes he felt like Louis was using him, but other times he thought that maybe Louis actually loved him back.



Both the boys talked at the same time.

They both awkwardly laughed and then Louis moved closer to Harry. "Let's go to bed, yeah?" The fifteen year old asked and then, like it was nothing, pecked Harry on the lips before walking upstairs.

Harry followed behind him and then closed his door behind him. His sister was out with friends and his mum was on a date with some guy named Robin? He wasn't sure.

Harry bit his lip as he watched Louis strip down to his boxers and then he did the same, climbing into his bed with Louis after turning off the light, the only light left was the lamp next to Harry's bed.

Harry lied down next to Louis and faced him. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, pulling him closer as he usually did.

"Normal friends don't do this." Harry pointed out softly and looked at Louis.

"No, they don't. We aren't normal friends." Louis said and gave Harry a smile.

"Yeah, but like... We do things that other fr-"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Louis interrupted Harry and just looked at him, a small smile still set on his face.

"What?" Harry asked, because maybe he hadn't heard him correctly?

"Will you, Harry Styles, be my boyfriend?" Louis asked again and then bit his lip. It was a risky question to ask and he knew that, but he'd been wanting to ask for so long now.

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