10 | first date... again

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It was now a few weeks later, Loren had just turned five months old. Recently she had been putting everything she could pick up into her mouth. It didn't matter what it was, she would eat it. She loved to chew on her toys so Harry had to clean them pretty regularly so that she would get sick.

Loren had also discovered making new noises. She would blow raspberries constantly, which meant there was always drool coming out of her mouth, but it was still pretty cute. The drool also had to do with the fact that Loren was teething. She also learned she could squeal, so when she got excited, she let out a high pitched squeal, which Harry and Louis thought was so cute.

Loren was also trying to sit up on her own, but that was proving difficult. She was able to sit up, but she was unable to sit herself up.

Harry also read up online that at five months, babies usually sleep through the night which in itself was exciting because Harry could finally get a full nights sleep soon.

Loren was also able to see a wider range of things now and she was able to learn to completely sit up on her own with help from Harry.

Over the past few weeks Louis and Harry had grown close again. Louis was even planning on taking Harry on a date tonight. Their first one since before the baby.

"Hi." Louis smiled as he leaned against the locker beside Harry's, where Harry was putting stuff in his bookbag.

"Hey." Harry smiled at Louis and then returned to what he was doing.

"So... You're still free, right?" Louis asked and Harry glanced at him.

"Louis, I'm not going to blow you off. We have a date tonight." Harry smiled and then zipped his bag up. "And I've been looking forward to it." He said as he shut his locker and locked it back.

"Just checking." Louis said softly as they began walking to the daycare center together. "Are Liam and Niall pissed you agreed to come on a date with me?"

"Niall is pretty happy about it." Harry said as they walked through the crowd of people. It was the end of the day and everyone was rushing to get out. Plus, it was a Friday and someone was throwing a party. Not that Harry or Louis cared much though. "Liam is..."

"Not please?" Louis asked and Harry nodded his head. "Right."

"Don't take it too personally." Harry said softly. "He just figures that-"

"You're some tiny being that needs to be protected, I know." Louis said softly. "And I get it, but sometimes he forgets that we were friends first... Before he even knew who you were. And I know that he didn't have to be on my side when I... Left. But he could at least be there for me now."

"Yeah, well." Harry shrugged. "We'll work at it, yeah?" He asked and then went to get Loren, coming out with her a few seconds later and standing by Louis again as they made their way out to louis' car.

Loren squealed once she saw Louis and Louis smiled at her, though a few people in the hallway turned their attention to the baby, a few people cooing at the sight.

"Hi, baby girl." Louis smiled and then took her from Harry, kissing her cheek gently. "I missed you too." He said as he held her.

"She loves you." Harry said softly as they continued walking.

"Yeah?" Louis asked and smiled because Loren was making him happy. And being around Harry was making him happy. He was just all around happy at the moment.

They made it out to Louis' car and then soon enough, Louis was dropping Harry and Loren off at Harry's house.

"I'll be by at 7:00, right?" Louis asked as he walked inside with Loren.

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