13 | telling mum

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"So when are you planning on telling your mum, Harry?" Niall asked as he sat on the side of his bath tub, looking at Harry who was sitting on the floor, head leaning on the toilet as he looked at Niall with tired eyes.

"Is now really the time to be asking that?" Harry asked and lifted his head a bit. Harry had been awoken by his stomach churning and the next thing he knew, he was leaning over Niall's toilet, puking up what little he had in his stomach. What a great way to start a day. Note the sarcasm.

"I mean..." Niall gave Harry a small smile and then bit his lip gently. "It's just a question."

"I don't know, Niall. I don't even want to tell my mum... Because telling Louis went so great." Harry said, his words dripping with sarcasm as he looked at his best friend.

Harry was afraid to tell his mother, well he was afraid of telling both of his parents really. They were both understanding people, but Harry hated to disappoint people and this would surely disappoint if not one, then both of his parents. He didn't want that.

"Your mother won't react the same way, Harry. I promise you she won't. Your mum is like super understanding about everything." Niall said softly.

"But-" Harry stopped talking whenever he felt like he was going to puke again. And he did. Niall just scrunched up his nose and rubbed Harry's back, trying to soothe him a little bit.

"You have to tell her." Niall said softly as Harry stopped puking. Harry grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his mouth, dropping it into the toilet before flushing it and standing up.

"I will." Harry promised and then went back out to Niall's room, grabbing his book bag, getting his toothbrush out, brushing out the taste of vomit left in his mouth. "Morning sickness absolutely sucks." Harry said after he'd rinsed and then dried his mouth.

"I know." Niall said softly and followed after Harry, going back to his room.

"When would be the best time to tell her?" Harry asked as he laid down on Niall's bed.

"Tell your parents together." Niall answered as he sat next to Harry.

"They're going to be so disappointed in me, Niall."

"They won't be."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're Harry Styles. The child who never does anything wrong. You bring home perfect grades and you never get in trouble at school or anywhere really. You made one mistake. They will forgive this one."

"But this isn't like bringing home a failing grade on an exam. This is a freaking baby."

"And they will be shocked at first. But like I said, you are Harry Styles. They won't be mad forever, if they are mad." Niall smiled at Harry.

"I guess I'll just tell them today."

Harry took a quick shower and got dressed before packing up all the things he'd brought over before walking downstairs with Niall.

"You'll be fine." Niall promised as he watched Harry slip his shoes on.

"How are you so sure?"

"I just am. Good luck, okay. If you need me, just call me, okay?"

"Thanks, Niall." Harry smiled and hugged Niall quickly before going out to his mum's car, getting in the passenger side.

"Did you have fun?" Anne asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah." Harry said and looked out the window as he nervously played with his fingers.

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