16 | moving out

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"Harry, are you even sure this is what you really want?"

"Mum, I've told you, I really want to do this."

"You don't have to."

"I know." Harry chuckled and hugged his mother for the hundredth time today. "I'll be fine, mum. Don't worry."

"I just..." Anne pulled away to look at Harry. "Why are you moving out?"

"Because I need to. Loren is getting older and I don't want to mooch off of you and Dad so much."

"We really don't mi-"

"Mum, I love you and thank you for actually wanting me to stay home. But I've got to grow up some time right?" Harry asked and Anne nodded as Louis walked into the room.

"The truck has the rest of your things on it." Louis said softly as he looked between Anne and Harry. "Loren's strapped in as well."

It was a new year and Harry decided it was time for he and Loren to get their own place. She was now about eight months old.

Harry knew Loren was about to start crawling even though it was a little later than most eight month olds. She was able to push herself up onto her hands and knees, but she didn't quite move and instead, rocked herself back and forth.

Harry knew she'd start crawling any day now though. She was also able to grasp tiny things better. Harry had to make sure there wasn't anything tiny and harmful on the ground that she could possibly swallow.

This meant that Harry had to baby proof his new apartment before he'd even fully moved in.

Loren had developed slight separation anxiety though, which made it hard to leave her in the school day care in the mornings. She constantly wanted Louis or Harry to be around her at all times.

Loren was able to eat a few solid foods such as bananas, pasta, and dry cereal. Harry made sure to cute the bananas into tiny bite sized pieces as well as the noodles so she didn't choke on them.

Loren was now more aware of what was happening around her and even understood cause and effect. For example, if she dropped her pacifier, Harry would pick it back up and hand it to her, which she knew would happen each time she dropped it. It had become one of her favorite games and she giggled every time she dropped it. Harry wasn't so fond of the game though.

Loren was also learning to say a few words as well. She had learned to say 'da-da' which both Harry and Louis were equally excited about. Her communication skills were getting pretty good and she also learned how to wave hello and goodbye.

"I'll be there in a minute." Harry said and smiled over at Louis before looking at his mother again.

Louis nodded and walked back outside, getting into the driver's seat of the truck, turning around to look at Loren who had stopped crying now that Louis had come back.

"See, told you I'd only be gone a minute, love." Louis chuckled and reached back to hand her the pacifier again.

"Da-da." Loren smiled before taking the pacifier and putting it in her mouth.

"Mum, please don't cry." Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around his mother.

"You're halfway into your your I hear, Harry. I wasn't expecting you to leave home so soon." Anne said and hugged Harry again.

"I know. But this is something that will be good for all of us." Harry promised and rubbed her back as he heard a sniffle. "You and Dad will have more alone time and I mean, we aren't that far away. And you've seen the place, it's not like I'm going to be living in a bad neighborhood. It's close to school too." Harry smiled to himself.

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