The Mysterious Stranger

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Book 1: Discovery   

  Xo's POV

My name is Xo. I'm the adopted daughter Fire Lord Rochan and Crown Princess of the Fire Nation. I have a twin brother, Aiko, an airbender and monk-in-training, and a best friend named Ten Lee. Being a non-bender, my father wanted me to be able to defend myself, so he let me join the Kyoshi Warriors. Now I spend my time with my brother, Aiko, and my best friend Ten Lee on Kyoshi Island.

  It seemed like it would be another typical day. I was practicing my chi-blocking, Ten Lee was teaching his intern how to work the cash register at Kyoshibucks, and Aiko was flirting with the other Kyoshi Warriors. He is so annoying sometimes. As I was touching up on my martial arts skills, Aiko noticed a random Water Tribe boy walking toward the building. "Guys you might want to come check this out..."

He looked no older than 16. He was super tall, with pale skin, long hair, and traditional Northern Water Tribe attire. "Can we help you?" Ten Lee says arrogantly. "Actually, yes you can." He has a deep, scratchy voice. Aiko, out of nowhere, pops up. "Nice hair dude." "Uh... Thanks?" The mysterious boy responds.

  "We should talk upstairs," the boy demands. We all go upstairs, where Ten Lee, the boy, and I all take a seat. "So, It has come to my attention that-" "Kizo!" Aiko shouted. He runs  up to the window where his lemur-bat, Kizo, had just climbed out. "Ugh... I gotta go get him. You guys carry on. Sorry for the interruption." "No problem," the Water Tribe boy says.

  Aiko leaves the room so we continue our meeting. "As I was saying, the Southern Water Tribe is having issues with criminal activity lately. Our defenses are not holding up properly, and I would appreciate it if some of your Kyoshi Warriors could help us patrol the tribe until we get our law enforcement in order." "I'm sorry, but who are you?" I say bluntly. "I'm... a 'representative' for my tribe." "We glare at each other for a moment.

  "And who might you be?" He asks intently. "I-I'm Xo. A Fire Nation princess and Kyoshi warrior. Interrupting to avoid conflict, Ten Lee jumps in, "Okay, my Kyoshi Warriors will help you patrol the city." He says as he flips his hair. "Alright then, I guess this meeting is over. Thank you." The boy reaches out to shake hands with Ten Lee, but instead he takes a sip of his Kyoshibucks coffee and says "'Kay well you can go now then." The representative rolls his eyes and gets up to leave.

  As he walks out, Aiko comes back in with Kizo on his shoulder. "So how'd it go?"

  "I've got a bad feeling about that guy." I say to them. Aiko, confused, asks "What did he do?" "He just... had a certain presence about him." "Aiko gives Kizo a piece of a doughnut and replies, "Okay... Well, he's gone now. Let's just let it go." "Aiko, when do we ever let things go?" I reply. "Good point."

  We walk toward the beach and see him getting ready to leave. "But where will he go? I don't see a boat." I say. Ten Lee in response says, "He's probably a waterbender. Maybe he'll swim back?" "This guy keeps getting stranger," I say with a chill up my spine.

  Before we can think of a plan, Aiko walks straight up to him. "What's up?" He had a confused expression, but before he could respond, Ten Lee and I walked out as if we were ready for a fight. "Um..." Before he can speak Ten Lee says "So who are you anyway?" "I'd rather keep my identity a secret thank you very much." He looks as if he thinks we are about to attack him and glares at us. "I think I'll take my leave now if you don't mind. Before we could think of what to do he jumped and swam off at unnatural speed and catapulting through the water leaving a trail of ice behind him.

  "Well, he sure has a dramatic flair," Aiko states as Kizo shakes off all the water the mysterious boy splashed on him. "Let's... Just go get some Kyoshibucks." Ten Lee says awkwardly. "Yeah, good plan." I say as we walk back to the village.

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