The Avatar: Part 1

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    Aiko's POV

  Once the 'Blue Spectre' notices I'm following her, she turns around and holds her sword out. "I work alone, you self-centered prep." She exclaims. "You can't stop me from tagging along. Besides, you need me." I respond. "And why is that?" she mutters. "I don't know, that just sounded pretty cool when I said it out loud," I grin. "Ugh, you're wasting my time." She sheathes her sword. "Wait," I shout. "You and I both know we can't face him alone. Whoever you are, you aren't as prepared to fight him as you think you are. We need each other in this fight." I stand up straighter, feeling good about myself.

  We have a standoff, but she finally signals me to  accompany her.

  As we run along the rooftops of buildings, we look around in all directions trying to find the either Rikuto or the Blue Spirit. The patrol goes on for fifteen minutes, and we find nothing. "Ugh! I can't believe this! He is nowhere to be found." She shoots a puff of fire in her anger. "Calm down. Beating yourself up about it won't help anything," I state. Wow, I'm on fire with this whole wisdom thing. "I don't like you," she complains. "Trust me, the feeling is mutual."

  As we continue our search, I see a dark figure a few hundred yards away. "Could that be him?" I inquire. "Possibly. Let's go check it out. But stay cautious," she advises. We slowly make our way toward the figure, who is in front of the palace. He is wearing Fire Nation armor, with a strap around the back of his head, and two katanas tied to his back. "It's him," I whisper. "I never forget a face." She nods, and we proceed, hiding behind a house in front of the palace while he stares at his reflection in the rippling water.

  "I know you're there, you cowards." He turns around. "Come out and face me head on." With the Spectre's cue, we both walk out with our weapons in hand. "Aiko, it was foolish of you to come here again. You cannot defeat me on your own, and you know it." He taunts. "He's not alone!" yells the Blue Spectre, with an extra tight grip on her weapon. The Blue Spirit glares at her for a moment, and laughs, "Well, you've got good taste in style."

  "I'm the Blue Spectre, and I've devoted myself to your downfall!" she shouts. The Blue Spirit unsheathes both his swords, "Then you're going to be disappointed."

  I take out my glider, and we all ready ourselves. This is the battle that will decide the final outcome. "You sure you're ready, little girl?" he mocks. She takes the bait and runs straight at him. Before he can lay a hand on her, I swing my glider, using my airbending to knock him into the water. He gets up and shoots a surge of water directly at me, and freezes me. He then picks up his swords and starts to one on one duel the Spectre. "I can see your frustration. I feed off your anger," she declares ominously. He says nothing in return. He swings at her with both swords from both angles and knocks her over. Before he can take another cheap shot she jumps back up and kicks him straight in the chest with a fireblast propelling at him. 

  As he  gets back up and brushes himself off, she uses her bending to melt my ice. "Thanks," I say. "Don't mention it."

  "You two are a complete annoyance," he exclaims. "I'm going to enjoy this." A torrent of swirling water begins to surround him, and he forces it to expand, hitting us and knocking us against the wall of the building behind us. "I-I'll destroy you!" the Blue Spectre screams as she begins to tire out. "Hey, you guys like my minty fresh breath?" He asks rhetorically, and then uses his waterbending icy breath to freeze us against the buildings we lie against. We're done for, I think.

  Just then, Ten Lee walks up to us while drinking his cappuccino. "Am I interrupting somethin-" he drops his coffee and glares at the Blue Spirit. What are you doing!" he rages. "That Fire Nation army suit went out of style like a year ago! Ugh, like I can't even look at you right now." Then he sees me and the Blue Spectre frozen against the wall. "Oh, hey Aiko. Why are you frozen against that wall?" Before I can answer him, the Blue Spirit holds his sword to Ten Lee's back. "Step against the wall, amateur."

  Ten Lee laughs and uses a fast circular motion to end up behind the Blue Spirit. He then proceeds to punch him rapidly from the back and knock him over. He used an immobilizing technique, so the Blue Spirit struggles to get up. Ten Lee just smirks and waves to me. Then he uses his acrobatic stance to run off. "Wait! I need you to get me out of here- And... he's gone." I sigh and look over at the Blue Spectre. However, she has already broken out of her ice and melting mine. "How'd you do that?" I ask. "I like to use distractions to my advantage," she answers slyly. 

  "I've had enough of this!" The Blue Spirit yells, losing his composure. His armor is cut, his clothes ripped, and he's bleeding. He's vulnerable. Just like us. He runs straight for me with his sword in his hand, but changes direction only a foot away from me and strikes the Spectre down. 

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