So After she Diveeed INnnnn and that happened, now this is happening

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"And that's how you roll a blunt."Vampire concluded with a light, a puff, and a toothy smile. "Yeah, that's nice and all, but you do know that I went to school for surgery...and that's literally what I fight against on the daily right??" I replied smiling awkwardly as the disappointment on his face formed. He sighed and began to speak to himself, "When will Ghost Harry come back, he was lit. Haha, get it, lit. Good one harry," as he moped out the room. Shaking my head and laughing I realize I'm left in the room with just me and Assassin. Ever since he took me here he's barely spoken a word to me, other than the occasional bad ass line-off we have. "Hey buddy, how are you?" I ask him, trying to build up conversation. He looks at me and looks away. "Okay, I'm gonna try again, BUDDY HOW'S IT HANGING?!" I yell because god damn, the kid is rude. "Wouldn't you like to know." he smirked. But that's the moment Harry fucked up. Because in the midst of the fanfiction ass smirking he did, I saw it. The most precious thing I've seen in a while, and I'm talking over babies and 6 week old puppies trying to figure pout how to walk without running into anything. A dimple. 

"Oh shit he got a dimple, why didn't anyone tell me this!" I  yelled and ran to his face. "Don't touch my face, why are you so invasive!" he says in protest. But as I run over I pause in front of him. As I'm up close I can see how pretty he is. Like really pretty. And he's angry and still looks pretty! I smile softly as I reach to poke him he snatches my hand away. I frown and use my other hand to poke him, but he grabs that too. I huff, feeling defeated and silly and look down. He looks at me with a confused look on his face and asks "Why are you so obsessed with me?" 

As a huge Mean girls fan, I'm amused. I'm assuming that he used the quote to be humorous (for once), and then I realized he was dead serious. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "How is it that you're so serious all the time? You should have some fun. In fact, lets go out today." I said hopefully. 

Assassin, who was in shock after I kissed his cheek and was red in the face, just nodded his head. Smiling widely, I replied with, "I'll be back then. I gotta find out if Liza has money for me, cus I'm broke.

A/N: Aight, so it's currently 1:44 am, and i'm way too tired to finish this and I don't even know if this counts as an one shot b/c it's already 4 chapters in. But I'll finish tomorrow.

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