Chapter fourteen

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I don't turn back, I just keep running; the image of my dad and the glowing red eyes is all I can think about.

I stop after awhile, trying to catch my breath.

My mind is nebulous, I can't recall when or how I got here. Nonetheless, I know for certain that it isn't safe. Trying to be furtive, I slip behind a machine soundlessly, attempting to avoid being spotted. Slowing my panting, I try to decipher what is happening, but my pounding headache provides no assistance and I can't think straight.

Letting out a small groan, I rest my head on the machine before me. The cool metal provides a bit of comfort for my throbbing head and I bask in it. While taking deep breaths, images of my father flash through my mind, making me alert and paranoid again.

He seemed so real. His soothing voice, the way stroked my hair, the slight crinkles around his eyes, even the way he smelled. But he transformed into the glowing crimson eyes that have been tormenting me.

Rubbing my face roughly, I try to keep myself from breaking down. This isn't the time nor place. For some reason I feel as if it'll all end here and I'm not sure if I'll even survive. I don't even know how to fight It. It's the pure embodiment of my fears. How does one overcome that?

Not a moment later, I hear a slight noise from behind the machine and my heart beat accelerates. Something is gradually creeping around from the left, so I quietly begin going right. It doesn't stop, however. I continue circling the machine for what seems like an eternity while all I want to do is run away, but I know that isn't the brightest idea.

Biting my lip as I make my umpteenth lap around this god forsaken hunk of metal, I start to become somewhat lightheaded. My footing is a bit off and I stumble a bit. I stop momentarily and notice that I no longer hear the footsteps. I sigh, thankfully, and lean against the machine in relief. But when I hear it again; this time fairly close, I brace myself to sprint. But one thing is preventing me.

My sleeve is caught in machine.

I nearly faint in disbelief and pure terror as I hear the footsteps approach me. I begin yanking and pulling as hard as I can to free myself. Abandoning my silence, I begin to pant and whimper in fear.

It's not too far now. In a few steps It'll discover me. I'll be dead or worse.

"No, no, no." I whimper, still pulling hard and when I feel something touch me from behind I scream and kick defensively.

"Abigail!" It whispers sharply, covering my mouth roughly with It's hands. Still in a state of terror, I continue whimpering uncontrollably with tears brimming in my eyes. But when I look up, I discover that its Dem.

He presses me harder into the machine, in an attempt to hide. Momentarily, I'm relieved I'm no longer alone but immediately after I'm petrified that he might transform into something evil. I begin struggle against his body, closely watching his eyes; waiting for them to turn.

"What are you doing?" he quietly exclaims, trying to hold me still, while looking behind him.

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