Chapter three: Sneek Peek Into My life

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I sat on bed counting the seconds, 20 seconds, the time you take to walk from our front door to my bed. I lowered my gaze to the book in my hand when my father walked in

"Hello sunshine"came my father's cheerful voice

"Hey, dad"

"Dante..." he corrected

I knew that something is wrong, my father never asks me to call him by his name, only if we had issues to discuss. He thinks that by calling him by his name we can bond easier and have a good chat. Plus, my father came back way to early, and he seems in a good mood. He is in a good mood those days, maybe because he stopped drinking this last month. I remember him and my mother having this huge fight one day when all our household money was spent on his luxurious drinks. He stopped from that day, you know my dad isn't that bad at the end.

"what is this book in your hand?"

"My friend, Larissa gave it to me" he shook his head in disapproval when i told him so.

I don't understand why he doesn't like Larissa, i mean she is so perfect. You can't find such a person, she is so thoughtful and she shares her stuff with me. She also brings stuff for the whole family. Without her being in my life, i would have died out or boredom. All the books she gave me helped me to visualize life outside, since i wasn't allowed to leave. The last time i left out of the house was when i was 11, six years ago.When we used to live in the kinda rich side, i mean somewhere better than this rotten, smelly place. I lived a blissful childhood were i would go to the arcade every weekend with 2 year-old Liv, we resembled a happy family. But things happened with our money when my father lost them in a stupid stocks competition. He fell into depression and depts kept accumulating until we couldn't handle living in a warm house. My father did the craziest thing, which most people do when they give up on life, drinking! He kept selling our things so that he can drink, and all those problems made us come to the poor side, to maintain whatever we had left. I remember the first day when we came here, people saw us as gods because we had clean clothes! They even gave us a house for free, which was the biggest house in the town. I was a kid and i had lots of dreams which were shattered after my dad decided to lock me up:( I suffered for 3 years until Larissa came to town. Lots of things happened like my father forcing Liv to work and my mother doing a second mistake which is being pregnant. My life was hectic, and i had to take care of Liv's heart because i didn't want her to have some mental breakdown. Whenever Liv would come back from work, i would teach her some of what i remember from school like reading and calculating. For me, i believed that teaching makes someone strong, and i had to make Liv strong because this life is too much for a kid. Problems in my life would never end, we have fights every now and then especially with my mother. From six
years up until now she never gets tired from nagging about our life, she is not the same good mother who raised me and gave me faith, now she is a nagging witch. Sorry to say this, but ever sense we reached here she stopped taking care, even my drunk father takes care more.

"So, u are having good time with Larissa?" came my father's voice waking me up from my daydreaming.

"Yeah, she is my friend i assure you" i said with a bright smile

"Anyway, you can hang out with her anytime he nodded.

There was something about his face today, it seemed gloomier. If there is one thing i like about my father drinking, is that he seems merrier. I can see guilt through his face all the time when he would fight with my mother about money and she would remind him of the past. Regardless of all the mistakes my father made, i still love him and care for his feelings, so i had to ask about his beings.

"Whats wrong dad? you don't seem alright those days" i said with a caring smile.

"Your mother wants divorce"

Author's Note


My first time in my whole life to write a cliffhanger ~.~ And, i don't thing that it is this strong :(

Anyway, tell me what do you think about this chapter, and if there is a thing you want me to explain the next chapter dont be shy to ask.

Any guesses for what will happen next?

That it for this chapter, bye for now <3

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