Chapter Six: Wonderland

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   The fresh air rushed into my lungs causing the moldy smells to disappear. Finally, we reached Tyson's house were everything is neat and clean. I wonder how he keeps his place this clean, where as most of the places here and rotten and smelly. I released my hand from Liv's and wiped my sweaty hands on my shirt. We made ourselves comfortable on the couch. All this time Tyson was silently preparing some tea for us.

"So, my theory of being your hero is correct" He said serving us tea

"I guess so" 

"For your dear information, I will not be there for you unless i get a pay"

"What do you mean by a pay, we are friends remember?" I was annoyed how could he say that, that was rude.

"Yeah, but I've changed and my thinking too"

"But friendship never does change" I said a little heartbroken.

"Hmm, in our case it does" that was the last thing I heard before walking back ,with Liv of course, home.

For the first time in those couple of years, we have guests. Just wow. Who are they? And what are they doing? Don't ask because I am as clueless as you. I stepped forward  making sure that Liv was following me. This girl is dead, ever since my mother left she have done nothing other than following me. I didn't even hear her breath or saw her wink. It was just as if I was her brain and control her to whatever I want.

"Liv, are you okay?" I had to ask because I realized that she might be dead and I am only pulling her poor body with me. I was worried about her so.

She just raised her eyes so that they meet my eye level. This simple eye contact defined thousands of words Liv couldn't use to express herself.

Heartbroken, Sorrowful, doleful, shattered, smashed, disabled, unimportant, pointless, and sad. This simple gesture made me understand what my sister is going through. Poor her she has to suffer from a mistake she never knew about. The whole thing of my dad losing money and being richer for once in our life was a secret between my parents and I. No one not even Larissa know about it. 

One day Liv came back from work delighted.

"Look who is cheerful today"  I said welcoming Liv as usual.

"I have some good news" she said a bit jumpy

I asked her to sit on my bed so that we have this sister talk we do everyday, and teach her some reading and writing. She told me that she have some memories she likes to share.

"I remember me playing with you in a big cool place and we have fun. I think i was little drinking a bottle, but i remember seeing you play in some cool machines. They go up and down" she said trying to mimic the moves with her hand.

How could she remember the old times when she was two years old. I didn't know what to say because I promised my parents not to tell anyone about the happy past we had, nor can I lie to her.

"Oh, I don't remember such things, maybe it was a sweet dream that came to entertain you because you are an amazing girl" I said gently tucking her hair behind her ear.

Actually she believed me and that hurts me a lot. Sometimes she would come with more memories I cherish a lot and she would say it like this

"Last night I had a dream that we went to the beach, and you built a huge castle. It was so cool and then I destroyed it. And we were wearing matching bathing suits" 

It hurt me that whatever she says was true and I just couldn't tell her the whole truth. And wow how did she manage to remember such stuff, don't even ask me.

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