Excuse Me!?

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"I was waiting for you to stop... but you didn't."

His words ran through my head over and over again.

"...waiting for you to stop..." It echoed like a cave in my mind.

Was that really how he felt about it? He must honestly have no idea how long a thought can stay in a girl's mind.

"... but you didn't." I stopped walking for a split second as this ran through my thoughts.

My stomach began to tighten up. Sadness grabbed by the guts. It was as if  a giant's hand was inside of me, gently holding my insides like a ball he was about to throw across the street.

I continued walking home as the cars whizzed past me. Wind whipped my hair into my face, and pain took form as an expression on my face. I shook my head to get my hair out of my face so that I could see.

If he says he likes me so much, why does he insult me like that? Then, he says that he's kidding. Yeah. Right.

You know what? I just don't know what to think. Does he just like me for my looks or what? I'm not even that gorgeous!

I just want to be liked only for my personality.

Boys = Confusion

Mixed Feelings? I Think "Yes."Where stories live. Discover now