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"Aubrey, you're not going out like that." Phil heard Dan say to their teenaged daughter. He was reading a book in the lounge.
"Sure I am." He heard Aubrey retort sassily.
'Oh no, not again.' Phil thought. Their daughter was quite rebellious, she had been in the orphanage the longest, so Phil decided to give her a chance as Dan reluctantly agreed. Now Phil could see why she was there for so long. She was extremely difficult. She wouldn't obey rules, she tried to dress extremely skimpy, and she disliked all of Dan and Phils videos.
"Listen, Aubrey, I don't want to argue with you. I want you to have your own style and express yourself, but your shirt looks like it belongs to a 9 year old, it's just too short, Hun."
Dan calmly replied to his raging daughter. Phil loved how calm Dan was in such circumstances.
"I am NOT changing! You can't tell me what to do! You're not my REAL dad, anyways!" She screamed. Phil looked up toward the door, getting prepared to walk into the other room if needed.
"Aubrey, I love you, but I know what's best for you, baby." Dan put a hand on her shoulder. This usually calmed her down, but not today. She shook his hand off of her shoulder. Dan looked shocked.
"I NEVER loved you! You just never wanted me! The only reason you agreed to adopt me Is because your so head over heels for Phil that you will do ANYTHING he wants!" She yelled up at him. She was significantly shorter than he was. Dan had tears in his eyes. He was making an attempt to look tough, but it was obvious that he was hurt by her words.
"Aubrey, please calm down. I really do love you, I promise." His voice was shaking, but was still clear and strong. Phil stood behind the doorframe. Aubrey saw him. She looked over Dans shoulder to look at him.
"Eavesdrop much?" She asked with a rude tone. Dan turned around and looked at Phil.
'Help Me please!' He mouthed to Phil, who walked foreword and put a hand on Dans shoulder.
"Aubrey, you're being very disrespectful, young lady. I'm sick and tired of having to yell at you each and every day for being disrespectful. Now, you better get your act together before I have to glue it together, so you understand me?!" Phil loudly exclaimed to Aubrey. She looked stunned at his sudden change in attitude. Phil had always been the pushover parent, Dan had usually been the assertive one if it had to get to that point.
"WhatEVER! I HATE YOU GUYS! Don't TALK to me!" Aubrey screamed dramatically as she pushed passed Dan to get to her room. He still looked stunned. Dan started sobbing. Phil pulled him into a hug and sat him down on the couch.
"I'm sorry, Danny." Phil whispered to him as he rubbed his back to calm him.
"Sh-She said she H-hates us!" Dan sobbed. He buried his face into the crook of Phils neck.
"She didn't mean it, Bear. She is happy that she has somewhere nice to live. She appreciates you, I promise." Phil continued. He pulled away from Dan to look him in the eyes.
"What would I do without you?" Dan said, smiling. Phil shook his head and replied.
"Oh, wow, that's a though one." He replied. Dan smiled with his teeth this time. He lightly punched Phil in the arm.
"Oh shut up!" He laughed. Phil leaned in and kissed Dan. It was a short, sweet kiss. Then, they just sat and hugged each other. They stayed this way for a while, until Aubrey walked in, wearing a different shirt.
"Oh, sorry did I walk in on something?" She asked nicely. She seemed genuinely sorry that she intruded. Dan pulled away, and looked at Aubrey standing in the doorframe to the lounge. Phil did the same. Dan looked away and blushed.
"No.." Phil replied to her question. She walked forward.
"Look, I'm really sorry. I was super disrespectful to you guys. I do love you, and I know that you probably want to take me back to the orphanage now. But, before you do, I wanted you to know that I love living here, and I love having such great dads who, indeed, know what's best for me. Dan, I'm really sorry that I yelled at you. I know that you want what's best for me. I really didn't mean all the nasty things I said. And Phil, I love you too. And I know that I am disrespectful at times-" Phil raised his eyebrows. "Okay, ALL the time. But, I am GOING to change my attitude. I am going to try harder in school, and I'm going to be a better daughter. One that you can be proud of." Another tear fell down Dans smiling face. They pulled Aubrey into their hug.
"I love you, Baby. Of course we're proud of you." Phil said.
    "Yea, and we do not want to take you back to the orphanage." Dan smiled at her.
"Thank, guys." Aubrey said.
   "I love you more than words can explain." Phil continued.
     "Thanks, Phil." Aubrey and Dan replied at the same time. They squinted at each other, and then died laughing.
"I couldn't have wished for a better family. Thank you Dan and Phil." Aubrey looked up at them and smiled. Dan and Phil both kissed her on the head. They looked at each other and rubbed their noses together. Aubrey looked at them. Looked, more like stared. She smiled and squealed.
"Aubrey, is there something you wish to say?" Phil questioned her. She just smiled wider and looked as if she were about to burst. Dan looked at Phil worriedly. Aubrey opened her mouth suddenly and yelled:
"I SHIP IT!!!"
Phil looked at Dan and widened his eyes. He then looked back at Aubrey.
"That's RIGHT! I SAID IT! I SHIP PHAN!!" She cried. Dan looked at Phil and pulled him into a kiss. Aubrey screamed.
"OH MY GOOODDDDD!!!!!! OHHH MYY!! JESUS ON A BOAT!" She was on the floor squealing. A.n: this is the part where you all comment "omg am I Aubrey?" And "OMG Aubrey is a Phangirl" etc. etc. have fun you generic children.
"Aubrey, where did you learn that?" Phil questioned. Dan smiled and tilted his head in response.
"You guessed it, Babe." Dan said. They all had a great laugh.


"Time for bed, Aubrey." Dan stuck his head into her room to let her know.
"Dad, and I have 5 more minutes? I'm talking to Jax." Jax was Tyler and Troyes son. He and Aubrey were best friends.
"Honey, you know the rules." Dan said sternly.
"But this is the only time he can talk. He lives in Australia, remember?" Dan started to object, but Phil walked passed.
"Whats going on?" He questioned the pair.
"She's on the phone with Jax an-" Dan started.
"Hello Jax!" Phil yelled into the room.
"Hello, Phil." He heard an Australian accent say.
"Come on, Danny." Phil grabbed Dans arm and pulled him down the hallway towards their room.
"Oh! Aubrey! Not too late, Hun." Dan yelled down the hallway. But she was already in another conversation with Jax.
"Think they will get married?" Phil questioned. Dan looked suprised.
"Phil they are 14!" Dan retorted.
"I know, I know. But they do seem very fond of each other. You worry too much." Phil said, pulling Dan into bed.
"I just.. Don't want her to grow up so quick." Dan replied. Phil rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Don't worry. It's gonna be a looong time before she does. I mean, I still haven't grown up!" Dan looked into his beautiful eyes. He sighed and shook his head.
"You never will." Dan smiled back at his lovely husband. Phil snuggled into Dans chest, his arms around Dans waist. Dan rested his forehead on the top of Phils head. He was falling asleep when he heard three important words.
"I love you." Phil whispered loud enough for Dan to hear.
"I love you too, Babe." He replied. And with that, they fell asleep.

"I love you.." Jax said quickly as Aubrey was about to shut off her laptop. Aubrey sat, stunned. She didn't know what to say. She guess she knew the only thing she could say:
"I love you, too." She, somehow, got out. Jax blushed as he waved Bye and disconnected. She ran to Dan and Phils room. She was about to yell for them and tell them, but then she saw them all snuggled up and smiling and decided against it. She started to leave, when she heard Dan wake up.
"Aubrey, do you need something, sweetheart?" He said groggily. She turned back around. He was sat up slightly, Phils head was on Dans thigh.
"Yea, I just got off the phone with Jax-"
"Aubrey, it's 1:00 am." Dan said, surprised that his daughter had disobeyed him.
"What I'm about to tell you is much more important than me staying up late. Plus, tomorrow is Saturday." She said.
"Jax told me he loves me." The words fell out of her mouth. Dan was silent for a moment.
"Oh.." He finally said. He was speechless.
"I don't know what to do?!" She said finally, looking as if she were about to cry. "I thought we were just friends!" Dan sighed.
"It's okay, it's okay. Can we talk about this tomorrow, sweetie?" Dan yawned. Aubrey nodded and left the room.
"Danny." Phil mumbled in his sleep. Dan looked down and planted a kiss on his forehead to let Phil know that he was there.
"Phil?" Dan asked.
"Yes, Dan?" Phil replied.
"Jax told Aubrey that he loved her."
"Phil! It's not cute! It's scary! She's too young to have a boyfriend!"
"That's what your mum said when I stared dating you."
"Phil I was 17! She's 14!" Phil just sighed in reply.
"The long distance was so hard for us, I don't want her to have to go through what we had to." Dan said
"She's fine, Dan. Now go to sleep!" Phil laughed.
"Fine." Dan slid down until he was fully in bed, and they resumed their previous position.
"Hey Dan?"
"Yes, Phil?"
"I love you." Dan gave him a kiss in reply. They truly were soul mates.

Word Count: 1704
Sorry that was so long. Idk it was going to be short, but ign. Leave any suggestions on my message board if you will. Thanks for reading :-)

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