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Dan and Phil are in about 3rd grade in this :-)

  Dan and Phil had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They say in class together every day. One day they sat in their art class, coloring. Phil was coloring a flower, while Dan colored a dog. Phil used bright colors, while Dan chose the darker ones.
  "Danny! Lookie, I finished!" Phil excitedly cheered as he held up his work for Dan to admire. Dan smiled when he saw this best friend so happy.
  "It looks very pretty, Philly." Dan replied. Their excited exchanges were interrupted by a loud voice.
  "Listen up, Kids. We have a new student today." All the kids got very excited, it wasn't often a new student arrived at their school, let alone in their class. A girl with brunette hair walked in shyly. The teacher guided her to the middle of the room where the whole of the class could see her. "This is Katherine." She smiled.
  "You can call me Cat." She said shyly. The teacher looked confused at the nickname, but smiled up anyways.
  "Excuse me. This is our new friend, Cat. Sweetie, why don't you have a seat by Dan and Phil over there." The teacher pointed her over. She walked over and took a seat between the two. They both looked at her in excitement.
  "Hi! I'm Dan!" Dan happily exclaimed. She smiled and blushed. Phil smiled even bigger.
  "Hi! I'm Phil!" he exclaimed, but her smile faded. She glanced at him.
  "Well it's nice to meet you Dan!" Her smile returned. "And.. Phil.." she finished. This caused Phil's smile to fade a bit as well. "Dan, you're pretty." She said shyly. Dan blushed and looked down.
   "Thank you." he finally spoke. Phils face lit up.
  "Danny is really pretty!" Phil exclaimed after her. Cat looked at him disgusted.
  "That's gay!" she exclaimed. Phil looked at her confused. "I can say that because I'm a girl! Boys aren't supposed to like other boys!" She said matter-of-factly. Phils eyes started to water up as he turned back to his coloring. Tears fell from his eyes, staining his beautiful flower. Dan looked hurt as well, had his new friend just hurt his best friend? They had known her for like 3 minutes! "Crybaby.." Cat said under her breath. Phil let out a small whimper. Dan leaned over to comfort his friend.
  "It's okay, Philly.." Dan started. Cat saw this and immediately jumped to say something to Dan.
  "Danny!" She exclaimed, using the nickname she had heard Phil use. It was clear that she wanted Dan all to herself, and that she want going to let Phil stand in the way of her goal. "Will you show me where the coloring sheets are?" She questioned innocently. Dan looked at her, all the hurt draining from his eyes, replaced with helpless love for the new student.
  "Sure! Follow me!" He took her hand and she followed. Phil looked up at them as they walked away, and Cat send him an evil, over the shoulder glance. Phil silently sobbed. His other best friend, Louise, had noticed. Louise was a pretty little girl. She had blonde, curly hair with the ends dyed pink. She walked over to Phil.
  "Philly, what's the matter?" she asked, genuinely concerned. Phil sniffed and wiped his eyes.
  "Cat's a bully." He said quietly. A mixture of panic and concern spread over her face. She opened her arms, and Phil filled them.
  "What happened?" She questioned.
  "She called me gay and took Danny from me." He sobbed. Louise didn't have any idea what to do. She just stroked his hair.
  "It's okay, Philly. I'm sure she didn't mean it. Do you want to come sit at my table for a while?" she asked. Phil nodded and brought him over. He sat with Louise, Pj, and Chris. They laughed and colored, making Phil feel a lot better. When Dan and Cat returned from getting a page, Phil was gone, his tear stained flower still remaining on the table. Cat took his seat while Dan returned to his.
  "Where's Philly?" He asked, confused. Cat looked over to their neighboring table, seeing Louise, Pj, Chris, and, of course, Phil. She scoffed and turned back to Dan.
  "Looks like he abandoned us." She said in a fake-sad tone. Dan looked hurt, but cat kept talking. They had a long conversation about this and that, but Dan and Phil kept glancing at each other's tables, wishing they were at the other.

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