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  Dan sat in the lounge, scrolling through tumblr, as per usual. Phil didn't know that Dan shipped Phan. Dan was scrolling through some smut and didn't notice when Phil came up behind him and started reading over his shoulder.
   "Dan, what are you doing?" Phil asked, making Dan jump and shut his laptop quickly. He turned around and looked at Phil.
   "Phil?! What the hell are you doing, scaring me like that! I could've had a heart attack!" Dan protested. Phil chuckled.
  "I almost did reading that!" Dan looked embarrassed. Phil could see that he had hurt Dans feeling, so he put his hand on Dans shoulder. "Im sorry, Bear." Phil spoke kindly. Dan blushed and looked away. Phil put his index finger beside Dans chin and gently pushed it to look towards him. Dan looked up at Phil, who was smiling at him. He stared for a moment, when suddenly, Dan spoke.
   "Something wrong?" Dan asked. Phil blinked.
   "You're just so damn pretty." Phil replied. This caused Dan to blush like mad. Phil leaned in and gently pressed his lips against Dans. Dan didn't know how to react for a moment, then pulled away. Phil looked at him, shocked. Dan got up and ran toward the bathroom. He locked the door and cried. Cried because he was happy. Cried because he regretted pulling away. Cried because Phil probably hated him now. Cried because he was confused. His head hurt as he sat up against the wall and slammed his head up against it. He let out a loud cry when he heard a soft knock on the door.
   "Dan?" He heard a soft, sweet voice call from behind the door.
   "Go away!" Dan sobbed. He looked toward the door and wondered if he SHOULD let Phil in.
   "Daniel, please let me in, hun." Phil called calmly. Dan sat in his corner still. "Dan, you DO realize that I have a spare key, right?" He asked sternly. Dan got up and opened the door. He saw Phil standing there, waiting for him. Dan flung his arms around Phil neck and cried into his shoulder. Phil wrapped his arms around Dans waist.
   "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I wanted to kiss you, but I so nervous and I just.. I jus-" he was stopped by Phils warm, soft lips against his. "Mmhmn.. Oh.." Dan moaned. His first official kiss with Phil. He tasted amazing! Like strawberries and mint (idfk).They kissed each other more passionately. This time, it was Phil who broke to look into Dans eyes.
   "Why did you stop?" Dan asked. Phil just stared into Dans eyes.
   "Sorry, love. I just needed to look into your eyes again. They're so pretty, like chocolate chips." Phil leaned in to kiss Dan again, smiling into the kiss. Dan just moaned a "thanks" to Phil. Dan just ran his fingers through Phils hair. Phil put his fingers in Dans belt loops and pulled him closer. Dan just rubbed his hips against Phils, not intending to go any further. Phil licked Dans bottom lip, asking for entrance. Granted, he explored every inch. Dan played with Phils waistband. Dan pulled away and moaned knowing it would turn Phil on.
   "Ngh, Phil!" He grinned, glancing at Phil who started looking nervous. "Oh, PHIL!" Dan smiled more. He could tell how much Phil liked it when Dan moaned his name.
   "Dan, stop." Phil protested, feeling his jeans getting slightly tighter. 'Oh no, oh my god. He needs to stop RIGHT now.' Phil thought to himself.
   "But," Dan made sure to put extra stress on his next words. "Philly," he moaned, stretching out the i. Phil glanced down at his erection.
  "Dan, don't do that if you don't plan on.. you know." Phil continued. Dan smirked.
  "Who said that I DIDNT plan on.. 'You Know.'" Dan replied looking at Phils erection as well. He licked his lips slightly.
  "No, Dan. Look what you've done, I'll be back." He pushed Dan aside and went into the bathroom. As he closed the door, Dan stopped it with his foot.
   "Need help?" Dan bit his lip. Phil rolled his eyes and chuckled.
   "No, Dan. I am perfectly capable." He replied. He locked the door and continued to.. Well, you know how that goes ;)
That's the closest I've ever been to writing smut, honestly. I need to switch to my tablet, rather. Thanks for reading! :)))

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