"Is my brother Mark and his friends here?

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*Bethany Pov*
I ask Amiee.
As I'll ever be.
She says. Today, I was supposed to kill Tom. But the thing is,
I had other plans.
"Let's go Beth." Dark says escorting me out and down to the dungeons. "Bethany! Bethany please don't do this!" I hear Tom yell to me. "We'll get to you later Thomas. But first, Jimmy, Dark, would you like something to eat?" I ask grinning devilishly. "See, this is exactly why we should have more girls around." Jimmy's blood red eyes sparkled. "Love to Miss. Frye."
I snapped my fingers. A plate of cookies and two glasses of milk appeared.
"Milk and cookies before a good death, my favorite." Jimmy says digging in with Dark.
They down cookie after cookie.
"Bethany... Please..." Tom whimpers from the cell.
I wink at him.
"These are beginning taste funny." Dark says looking at a cookie.
"As is the milk."
" Hush, little baby, drink your spoiled milk.
Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you, A little bit of sugar, but lots of poison, too.
Can't take it anymore, need to put you to bed. Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end." I sing. They both drop.
I feel powerful.
I didn't need any saving.
I saved myself.
I watched as Johnny Ghost stood up.
"Bethany, what was that?" He asks. "Something none of you noobs ever could do." I say snapping my fingers to open the cell Tom was in. He stumbled out.
"I killed Jimmy Casket and Darkiplier."
*Jordan Pov*
Cierra, Issac and I sit silently. There was nothing else we could do. Nothing we could think of.
It was hopeless.
"We can't just give up like this! There has to be some way!" Mark yells.
Then Mark promptly put a hole in the wall.
*Mark Pov*
I was angry. And according to what Toast's sources we're telling him, Bethany was a devilish killing machine and Tom was going to be her first blood any minute now.
I had no way to save my brother.
"Name one thing we can do Mark!" Cierra yells. Her brown eyes bloodshot and broken behind her frames.
There was a knock at the door.
And one voice I heard above all.

"Is my brother Mark and his friends here?"

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