.Chapter I.

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   My name is Frank Anthony Iero. I guess you can say that I USE to know my mom but ever since my dad left she's never been the same. I don't blame her though, I haven't been the same either ever since he lft I feel worthless I know I'm not wanted in this world but I know there has to be at least ONE reason to stay alive. Now I'm 17 and I still haven't found that reason.

At home I get beaten up by the lady I'm forced to live with and the men she brings home every night. If I'm lucky enough she'll stay at their house but that's rare. Once it's midnight I go outside and play my guitar, Pansy.  That's her name.

Unfortunately, I still have school the next day which means, you guessed it,  more beatings!  Hooray! Like if it's not enough at home but soon that will end and I won't have to deal with this hell. Just one more year....

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