Chapter 3|First day of school (Part 1)

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A few days have passed and it is now the first day of school for me. I can't even begin to explain how I'm feeling inside right now.

I rolled over and turned off the alarm clock that's been going off for the past five minutes and stretched, hoping relaxing some muscles would help me feel slightly better. But to no avail, it didn't help.

A sigh escaped my lips and I swung my legs to the side of my bed deciding to just get up and face the fact that my life is going to change regardless if I like it or not. I can't be so down on myself, especially this early in the morning on an important day. That's just one way to automatically turn my day crappy.

With that positive proposition and boost of confidence, I got up and instantly got dressed in a cute outfit then started applying makeup. I'm actually going to try today and I'm proud to say that considering I usually just throw on some mascara and leave. But not today! I put on foundation, concealer, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, natural falsie lashes, blush, highlight and contour, and did my eyebrows. So basically I probably look like a five dollar hooker but that's okay, at least I feel good.

I stared at my reflection in my mirror then slid some gladiator sandals on to complete my look, besides some jewelry I was going to add after taking my hair out of it's two braids to reveal my natural curly and wavy hair. If there's one thing I like most about my looks, it would probably be my hair. Even though wavy and curly hair combined causes obnoxious knots when combing it out, it honestly look so beautiful when you let it flow naturally.

"Paris! Are you almost ready? You have to be at school in 45 minutes!" I rolled my eyes knowing I have plenty of time since I'm completely done getting dressed and have my backpack ready. All I have to do now is eat some breakfast then brush my teeth.

"Yeah, mom. I just have to eat some breakfast."

Fast pacing feet made their way to my door and kicked it open revealing my mom with now wide eyes, "You look...FABULOUS! All the guys are going to be after you! On the first day!"

I chuckled and did a twirl but then put my hands on my hips, "Thanks mom. You sound so much like grandma and grandpa, though. Boys never talk to me like that, nor look at me. So don't get your hopes up mama."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by my arm and started making her way down the stairs with me closely behind her.

"You need to eat some breakfast, brush your teeth, then make your way to school."

"I know, mom. That's what I was planning on doing but I can't because I'm currently being harassed by my own mother." I ripped my arm out of her grip playfully and popped some bread in our toaster, looking for some nutella to spread on top of my toast once it's done.

"Whatever, chica. I just wanted to talk to you before you left." I turned around facing my mom once I got a plate and knife ready, "Okay, what would you like to talk about?"




I tilted my head in confusion knowing I haven't done anything wrong recently, making my mom laugh.

"You're not in trouble, hun. I just wanted to talk about your first day. To give you a pep talk."

Before I could reply the toaster went off giving my mom and I a mini heart attack. Little shit.

"Sure! Of course we can have a pep talk. I kinda need one, I'm nervous." I spoke while I placed my toast on a plate and started spreading thick globs of nutella on both pieces of bread, then poured myself a glass of orange juice.

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