Awkward situations

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Stiles' POV: (still)

"Stiles.. if your really want i can take you can home now?"

"Ermm, yeah sure, my dad should be back at work now until tomorrow morning..."

It's about 8ish id'e say.   "Okay lets go."

The ride there was pretty much silent, but this time it was alot more awkward than before. So i decide to turn the radio on, my attempt getting denied whe Derek hits my hand away continuing to look at the road. Oh my lord. It's so boring. Noone's speaking and i find my self tapping  my hands on my trousers to no beat in particular.

"STILES! WILL YOU STOP FIGITING... PLEEEAAASSSEEEEE.... OH MY LORRRRD!" Derek snaps over to my direction out of the blue making me jump a little.  Where the bloody hell did that come from?! Derek was being such a jerk, intimidating but still a jerk.

"It's not my fault i'm bored, sat in a car, with nothing to do." I whine back in his direction.

"Well, we'll be bloody there in 5 minutes so, just, arggg.." He growls and his brows crease inwards.

I really don't know whats pushing all his buttons tonight. I don't really know Derek enough to say that he's being abit harsh and angry... But then again to eveyone else who does know him, he might be like this all the time? From what i've heard anyway.  So, i decide to just sit back and look up out the window at all of the street lights flashing by.

-Time skip 5 mins-

We pulled up to my drive and as i jumped out to walk up i heard the door open from Derek's side.

"What?" i asked puzzled over at him.

"What??" He imitates me, as if trying to be obvious about somthing.

"Why are you getting out? You can leave now." Im trying not to sound so stubborn and ungrateful, stating the face this guy just saved my life.

"Well, considering i helped you today, i was gonna, err, walk you up?" He looked down and kicked a lump of grass across the ground.  "Ermmm, yeah sure ok, come on then..."

I waited for him to to make his way around the car and make his way over to me, and then we headed up the drive way.

"Well, here you go." He turnt around to head back to the car- "WAIT... Derek, come back a moment!"

As if without hesitating he turnt on his heels and met my back at the steps again.

Derek's POV:

Stiles pulled me closer to the door.... "One sec, i have an idea."  He looked like a child at a candy shop boucing an the balls of his feet with his eyes open in awe as i watched him, and he turnt around and darted into the building.  One moment later i felt something pull on the hem of my sleave, and i nearly tripped over as i got dragged into his house, if it weren't for Stiles grabbing me and stopping me from falling face first to the ground.

"Bloody hell! Not 'Hey Derek, come on in' NOOO just kill me, it's ok." I say, causing Stiles to chuckle slightly.

He's still holding me by my jacket in his hands, my eyes look up and lock with his. This only lasts for a short while, but to me it feels like an eternity... His huge caramel eyes.. Looking at him just blocks out everything else in the world, my thoughts, feelings..... Everything.

"S-Stiles-" My voice is coming out like a whisper, despite the fact there is noone in the house but me and him.

"Yeah?" His voice sounds as quiet as mine does. Neither one of us breaking the gaze between us - neither is he letting go of me.        "You err, you can let go of me now if you want?"

Less than a second and his hands are off me faster than i can blink, His face instantly becoming red, more than i thought humanly possible.   "Oh, erm, yeah, sorry. again."

I seriously can not help right now but burst out into a fit of laughter.

"WHAT?!" - If it was even possible his face turnt even darker....

"Nothing!!..." Everytime i try to stop laughing i look back up at his cute, red, embarrassed face, and i burst out again.

A massive smile erupts onto his face too once he realises that i'm laughing at him..  OMG his smile is so sexy.. It's making such a wierd tingly feeling in my stomache.... "Stiles, you are soooo red right now!" I just can't stop laughing it's starting to hurt my chest. 

Stiles lunges forwards at me but i manage to step sideways causing him to miss me completely and stumble forwards to the floor... I burst out yet again in a fit of laughter but this time Stiles grabs my leg and trips me over to the floor aswell. I yelp out in surprise. I fall ontop of Stiles, so i have to use my arms to keep my weight from crushing him. This causes Stiles to burst out in laughter too.

After a few moments of uncontrollable fits, i was still ontop of Stiles...   We calmed down, and i looked down at Stiles who was looking straight back up at me with a huge smile in his face.

"What?" I ask... applying the face he looks like a cute little dork,.

"Nothing," His gaze didn't even faulter from mine and neither did his smile.

"What about me?" The feeling in my body is returning, like a fizzy, gooey feeling in the pit of my stomache.  The red tint was starting to disappear from his face before but now it's returning slightly.

"Everything." His eyes move to the right and lock onto the wall, trying not to look at me.   I hold myself up with one arm and i found the other one making it's way over to Stiles' cheek, pushing his head back around - to make his eyes meet mine again.

"Really?.?" I tried to my best to sound suttle but couldn't help the tint of suprise in my voice.

"Yeah..." He squirmed a bit... I could tell he was uncomfortable saying this but, i just wanted to hear him say what he really means.

"Like what?" I ask not moving.

"Everything- your, your perfect, hair, muscle. I errr, mean, what's not to like right? Like, who wouldn't like you? I bet you get all the guys and girls.... Girls... just girls, stupid. Unless your gay, Nooo a guy like you wouln't be gay..... Are you?"

Te redness in his face was unbelievable and acctually believe he might explode of embarressment soon.

"No, Stiles im not gay..." I say with a smile etching onto my face.

As if expecting a different answer... He looks away, back at the wall, biting his lip.

"But i am bi..."

His head snaps back onto me, meeting my eyes again. The redness all gone from his face now. My turn to ask the question.. But what i he isn't gay or bi?!   'Oh just ask already!'

"Are you?....... gay i mean?"

"No, not fully anyways, im bi, like you. I have been for a long time now acctually but my dad doesn't know."

I don't think i realised my self doing this at first but i couldn't help  the smile getting bigger on my face.

"What are you so happy about?." He asked up at me, tilting his head a bit sideways. He was smiling now too. At me i think, for looking so rediculous. I rarely ever smile, but when i do...It's never nearly as much as i am doing now.

"Nothing, shall we get up now?" I chuckle at him. It was my turn to blush now... Realising the fact that during all this time i've been practically laying on Stiles.

We take a few moments to compose ourselves and then Stiles drags me into the kitchen by my arm.

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