Look who's back...

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Derek's POV:

I woke and remember everything that happened.

Stiles' dad shooting me, Stiles kissing me and remembering who he is and who i am, the red head who saved me.

I waddle downstairs and walk into the kitchen, leaving Stiles in bed to rest.  I put the coffee machine on and turn on the hob.       I finish the coffee and start making some bacon and eggs...

I hear a noise behind me, so i turn to see Stiles smiling hugley at me. I place the spatular down and turn around to see him running to me and jumping into my arms, screaming.

"I LOVE YOU SOURWOLF!" He jumps up on me and smothers my face in small rough kisses.

I pul his face up with my thumb and finger and passionatly kiss him... "I love you more Stiles. Stilinski..."

"I don't ever want to leave you again! Ever!"   I smile and sit him on the counter.

"Me too.." I kiss him again, until he pulls back and rubs his face into my neck, sniffing me at the same time.

"What are you doing?" I ask, chuckling slightly.. He pulls back and smiles towards me.

"Making sure i never forget you again.." He hugs me before jumping off the side and stealing a peice of bacon from the pan.

He winces.. So i laugh, earning a frown from him and he turns around at the bottom of the stairs, sticking his toungue out at me.

- 30 mins later -

Stiles hops downstairs in his cute red jacket and pecks my lips before grabbing his cup of coffee and heading to the door.

"I'll see you after school babe.." He winks and shuts the door, jumping in his jeep and driving off.

Stiles' POV:

I walk into school and hum to myself.  I turn the corner and stare at my feet whilst i walk.

I walk to my locker, but bump into something...

"OOPS, sorr-" I stop when i realise it was Jackson and hold my breath, waiting for him to hit me for bumping into him.  

"Nah, it's okay Stiles... I wasn't watching where i was going either...Here." He bends down and picks up the now empty coffee cup off the floor.  "Sorry bout your drink. Do you want me to get you another one?"

I stand and stare at him, only to pull out of my gaze by him taking the cup off me...

"It's okay, i can pay?" He insists.

"N-No, thanks, i was nearly finished anyway..." I continue to stare at him whilst he chuckles softly.

"Cool, see you around?   Sorry once again. It was my fault. C ya." He pats my back and walks off behind me.

I stand, stunned for a few moments to be pulled out of my thoughts by Allison Tapping my shoulder.  "STILES!!!" She squeals in my ear.

"Yeah.." I blink and look at her.

"Scott said you got your memory back?!" She asks excitedly.

"Mmm, yeahhhh!" I sqeal back and hug her tightly.

I hear more shouts and turn around to see:

Isaac holding Scott's hand,.

Lydia walking in beside them

Erica and Boyd holding hands behind all of them.

They all walk over and stand next to Allison. I nearly cry as all of them hug me together, realising what a great pack i have. What an amazing 'family ' i have...

- Lunch time - 

We all sit together on one huge table. Isaac next to Scott, kissing every two minutes.   Allison flirting with Lydia, who is suprisingly flirting back.  I guess Scott chose who he wanted.  Erica and Boyd obviously sat together. And me. Smiling watching everyone talking about a pack night they all want together.   We have decided to let Lydia into the pack since she is staying up here, and she has even offered to help me learn some more 'sparky ' stuff.

Whilst everyone's whispering and flirting, my eyes wonder over to the canteen and i see Jackson, who sees me and waves.

I look over, back at the pack, "Look who's back." I motion toward Jackson, who is walking over towards us.

"He's back... If he so much as lays one finger on you Stil-" He stops when Jackson sits down next to me.

"Heyyyy, long time no see." He winks at me and smiles back over to Scott... "I need help..."

Scott narrows his eyes at him before nodding his head. "What?"

"I know Stiles knows about the supernatural, since he is... And i know the rest of you are werewolves.

Scott glances over to me, then back to Jackson.  "What are you talking abou-"

"Don't play dumb. I know. I won't tell anyone, i'm one too, that's why i need help." He looks at the rest of the pack, who look at him dumbfounded.   "I got bitten by a huge alpha, i don't remember his name.  He let me leave to give you all a message.....   'I told you, you can't beat me.'  He didn't say anything else but said he'd kill me if i didn't deliver the message to Stiles personally..."

Isaac gulps and looks at me, widening his eyes... "Deucalion."

"It can't be. It can't be him! We killed him! Derek killed him....." Scott stresses.

"He told me to give Derek a message too, and only to him personally, and he said he'll know if i don't.." Jackson butts in.

Everyone looks at Scott, waiting for his answer.

"Everyone, meet at the loft after school... Stiles, Jackson, meet in the parking lot..."

The bell sounded for the end of lunch, so all we have to do is sit restlessly for the end of the day.

- After school, car park - 

Jackson was waiting with me at my jeep., Waiting for Scott to come out of his lesson.

"Who is Deucalion?  He said he doesn't want me in is pack. And he didn't tell me why he turnt me..." Jackson asks out of the blue.

"A very horrible person. He kidnapped Scott, Erica, Boyd and Isaac so he could kidnap me.  He beat me and tried to turn me but Derek killed him... Or so we thought." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"What are you? I can smell that your not human but, you aint' a werewolf." He asks.

"I'm a spark... I have magical powers. I can move things, people. I can blow things up with my hands... And more but, havnt learnt that yet..." I explain....   "Why are you being so kind to me? You used to beat me?" I ask hesitantly.

"I just felt threatened i guess. Your a good lookin guy, don't worry i don't like you... Wether you noticed it or not, everyone wanted to be your friend. I guess i got jealous.  I'm so sorry for acting like a dick to you for so long Stiles." He frowns and looks at me sadly so i smile and hug him...

"It's okay..." I smile again and we lean back against the jeep.   "So, you don't have an alpha then?" 

He looks at me and frowns again... "No, i guess not." He says sadly.

"Scott's one." I say and he looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, but i don't think he'll want me in his pack..." He says

"Course he will. But we have to talk to Derek too, he's one as well. Two alpha's one pack..." I explain.

"Who's that?" He questions.

"My boyfriend, sourwolf, and grumpy alpha.." I chuckle and he smiles at me before looking at the door to see Scott running out.

"Ready to go?" He asks...

Me and Jackson smile at each other before nodding and getting in the jeep with him.

Time to save everyone's life again...     Esepcially mine... Why is it starting to seem like, i can't live a day without something bad happening to me?  Argg... 

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